Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

You eventually get the courage to confess your feelings for your crush. The good news is that they share that sentiment. The moment you lean in for the kiss, poof! In bed, you awaken. Alone. If this sounds similar to you, you’re not alone; people frequently dream about their significant others. But what does it signify when you have crush-related dreams?

Short answer: It usually signifies that you are thinking about your crush a lot. According to Lauri Loewenberg, a professional dream analyst, “we frequently dream about the things that are most on our minds.” Dreaming about your crush is quite common and frequently how the subconscious mind considers options.

She goes on to say that these dreams aren’t always about the person you’re currently crushing on. In your dreams, you may run into a former sweetheart, a celebrity crush, or an unknown lover — the scenarios vary (as is the case with, well, all dreams). These nighttime experiences can also become more sinister if you dream about your crush dying or being rejected by your beloved. Whatever is going on in your mind as you sleep, your dream is telling you something — here’s how to decode it, according to a dream expert.

What Does It Mean If You Dream About Your Real, Current Crush?

Let’s start with the fundamentals: What does having a dream about someone you like mean? According to Loewenberg, dreaming about your current crush is a way for your psyche to fulfil that real-life desire. It stands to reason that if you’re thinking about your boo all day, you’ll dream about them as well. And if you’re having these dreams all the time, it could be a sign that you want to express your true feelings to them and your subconscious is telling you to just go for it.

This type of dream also allows you to investigate the possibility of this relationship in greater depth than you might in real life, she adds. According to Loewenberg, dreams can provide insights into your feelings, so rehashing what happened while you slept may help you make sense of your emotions when you wake up.

What Does It Mean If You Dream Your Crush Has Died?

This one is more of a nightmare than a dream, and it could mean exactly what it sounds like: the end of a crush. “Death in a dream means that something is changing in real life or that something has come to an end,” Loewenberg explains. “Are your feelings for this person evolving? Has that person evolved? Your subconscious mind may even be telling you that this person is not a good match for you.” Your subconscious may have already provided the solution based on how you answer those questions: Continue your journey.

What Does It Mean If You Dream About An Old Crush?

So, what does it mean when you have a dream about someone you once liked? According to Loewenberg, digging up the past in your dreams could indicate that something happening in your real life is evoking previous experiences. This could be directly related to your ex-lover: For example, you might meet someone new who reminds you of them.

She adds that these dreams can also occur when you encounter a situation or behavior patterns that remind you of the past. Take note of what elements resemble your real life to decipher what your subconscious is telling you. These insights may assist you in identifying beneficial or harmful dynamics in your current relationships.

What Does It Mean If You Dream That Someone Likes You?

According to Loewenberg, if you have a dream that someone likes you, it could be your subconscious highlighting your best personal qualities. If your crush compliments you, chances are you like yourself. That’s what I call a sweet dream.

Sometimes it’s best to take these fantasies seriously. According to Loewenberg, dreams like this are frequently your intuition communicating with you. If you have a crush on someone in your dream and it gives you butterflies, chances are you’re crushing on them in real life.

What Does It Mean If You Dream That Your Crush Rejected You?

Isn’t it better that this happens while you’re sleeping than in real life? According to Loewenberg, these types of dreams could also be your intuition at work. “This could be your intuition telling you that this isn’t going to work out and preparing you for it,” she tells Bustle. But all is not lost. She suggests asking yourself if this dream is a manifestation of your insecurities rather than a sign that your crush isn’t feeling it.

The Significance of Dreaming Your Crush Likes You Back

On the other hand, your gut may be telling you that you have a chance with your crush. According to Loewenberg, having a romantic interest return your sentiments in a dream might symbolize your confidence and optimism that things might turn out well. Therefore, if you’ve been waiting to take your shot, think of this as the signal.

The Significance of Dreaming About Your Crush On A Celebrity

Nobody can blame you if Chris Hemsworth appears in your dreams. According to Loewenberg, this dream may just reflect your crush on a famous person, but it may also allude to something more significant. Depending on the celebrity you’re dreaming about, it can be a sign that there’s something about them you relate to, are attracted to, or wish to embody. Maybe you enjoy the humor of Dan Levy or Lupita Nyong’o. In either case, it can imply that you’d like to apply those traits to your own life (or maybe just get married to Chris Hemsworth, after all).

What Does Having a Dream About Having a Crush on a Stranger Mean?

Although it can seem bizarre to have a sexy dream about a stranger, Loewenberg explains that it’s your subconscious bringing out aspects of your nature that you don’t completely understand.

Generally speaking, she claims that having a crush on an unidentified male in a dream is an indication of stereotypically masculine traits like aggressiveness. Developing feelings for an unknown woman often symbolizes traditionally feminine qualities like inventiveness and awareness of your surroundings. When this occurs in a dream, it’s a sign that you’re starting to accept and value those aspects of who you are.

What Does It Mean If You Dream You Have a Crush on Someone of a Different Gender Than You Are?

So, if you dream of having a crush on a girl, does that mean you’re secretly gay, or vice versa? Loewenberg, on the other hand, is less enthusiastic. These dreams aren’t so much about your sexuality as they are about certain qualities you’re drawn to in general. According to Loewenberg, females typically represent sensitivity, intuition, and creativity, whereas males typically represent boldness and action.

What Does It Mean If You Dream You Have A Crush On Someone You Don’t Actually Like In Real Life?

Have you ever had one of these and woken up in need of a shower? According to Loewenberg, this does not necessarily imply that you have feelings for them. “You may not like that person, but the subconscious likes something about them,” she tells Bustle. “Consider what stands out about that person. At least one of the items you chose is something your subconscious admires.”

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