Here I must at once pause at the word ‘Science’. Is numerology a science at all? is a vexed ques=on. In fact this doubt a@aches to all so-called sciences or methods of future-telling. Generally there is a very strong irresis=ble desire in almost all human beings to know the future. However, to those trained in modern sciences where nothing is accepted without actual experiments in a laboratory, a doubt persists whether the art of future reading can be raised to the status of a science like any other physical science.
This again raises other basic ques=ons. Are future events capable of being known? Are some people able to do so? If they do, to what powers or a@ainments this phenomenon of knowing the future is related? Are people born with those powers or are there some rules which govern future events and which rules are discernible?
In Numerology numbers are from 1 to 9. Numbers are not bad, but some numbers are struggling numbers. In Numerology there are two numbers, one is birth number and second is Des=ny numbers. Birth number is date of birth number, birth number like 1, 10, 19 & 28 of any month are number 1 as birth number.
Des=ny number is total of full date of birth i.e ( 10+3+1982 = 6) so des=ny number will be 6.