Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Have you ever awoken from a dream that felt so real that it took a second to recover and return to reality? This is especially true when you dream about your partner cheating. Even if your partner did not actually cheat, these dreams can be so vivid that they make you angry. Nothing beats the mental image of your partner sneaking around behind your back to get the day started.

So, what does it mean to dream of your partner cheating, and why does your mind play such dirty tricks? Being cheated on is one of the five most common dreams her client report, according to dream analyst Lauri Quinn Loewenberg.

That is why it is beneficial to examine cheating dreams for hidden messages or topics that have yet to be discussed. “Your dreams will always serve as a guide to every aspect of your life, letting you know what is wrong and what is right, what path to take and which path to avoid,” Loewenberg says. She recommends viewing your dreams as a “second brain,” one that is more honest than your waking brain.

It’s possible that your dream about your partner cheating is attempting to reveal one of the following issues. Use it as a springboard to talk with your partner, figure out the root cause, and brainstorm solutions to help you feel better.

1. You Are Uncertain

Do you have a running thought in your head that your relationship won’t work out or that your partner isn’t completely content? According to Loewenberg, the most likely cause of cheating dreams is an ongoing worry. All it takes is a glimmer of hope that things will fall apart, and your brain transforms it into a vivid, worst-case scenario cheating dream.

While it is not always easy to have difficult conversations, it may help to get these concerns off your chest by telling your partner what is making you feel insecure. Create a list of actions you and your partner can take to increase trust and support in your relationship.

2. You’ve Been Cheated On Previously

If your partner cheated in the past, it makes sense that you’d have cheating dreams, especially if you haven’t processed what happened or rebuilt your trust. If you decide to stay together, it will be up to your partner to follow through and do everything necessary to make you feel more secure. However, they will only know what to do if you are honest about your requirements.

If you’ve previously cheated on a partner, these dreams may indicate that you’re afraid your current partner will do the same. “It’s normal to have dreams that are based on fear and anxiety from negative past experiences that we don’t want to relive,” says Katie Ziskind, LMFT, a licensed marriage, and family therapist.

3. You’re Dealing With The Past

On a positive note, a cheating dream could indicate that you’ve finally accepted the fact that an ex-partner cheated on you. “It could just be your brain’s way of processing your trauma,” says Cassandra Lange, LCSW, MEd, a therapist. “If this is the case, I would discuss it with your therapist or friends in order to continue working through it.”

4. The Relationship Has A “Third Wheel”

Even if your partner does not have another partner or romantic interest, this dream could indicate that someone or something is interfering with your relationship. It could be a friend, a job, a new dog — anything that makes you feel “cheated” out of your partner’s time and attention, according to Loewenberg.

The dream will serve as a subconscious message that you are lonely or rejected, or that your relationship is currently out of balance. Again, the best course of action is to express your loneliness to your partner and then devise new ways to prioritize each other.

5. Your Attachment Style Is Insecure

Similarly, this type of dream could indicate an insecure attachment style, according to Dr. Carla Marie Manly, clinical psychologist, and Date Smart author. “Those with an insecure attachment style, especially those who are more anxious,” she tells Bustle, “may be more prone to cheating dreams.” “Such dreams are frequently the psyche’s way of saying, ‘Let’s work on this issue so you feel stronger and more secure,'” says one expert.

6. You Are Feeling Betrayed

Cheating dreams can also occur as a result of other types of betrayals, so consider any recent arguments or misunderstandings. According to Loewenberg, the message from your dream could be that you feel “cheated” out of understanding, good communication, or respect from your partner. This type of dream will vanish once you talk about it and officially see eye-to-eye.

7. You Don’t Trust Each Other

“A dream about your partner cheating symbolizes betrayal of trust.” Consider the areas of your relationship in which you don’t fully trust each other.

Do you have concerns about shared finances, family dynamics, or future plans? If you don’t feel like you’re on the same page, it might help to be more open and honest with each other to strengthen this aspect of your relationship.

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