Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

You were practically intended for marriage if your zodiac sign rules the seventh house of partnerships, marriage, and romantic relationships. You enjoy being in love as a Libra, and relationships tend to bring out the best in you. You fantasize about having love like in The Notebook, where you grow old with your particular someone and die in each other’s arms. You might be able to have the type of love tale you’ve always wanted with a little help from the stars. Libra is most likely to marry one of three zodiac signs, according to an astrologer.

“Libra is influenced by Venus and is always looking for love,” astrologer Clarisse Monahan tells Bustle. “They are the zodiac’s hopeful romantics.” Libras dislike conflict and like partners who play nice. Please, no scenes. They require some autonomy as an air sign, but not too much. They still need to feel important in their partner’s life. Sure, it’s a small contradiction. But hey, it’s Libra.”

You truly believe that the heart desires what the heart desires. If it is someone whose zodiac sign is incompatible with yours, you will go to any length to make the relationship work. However, if you value commitment and long-term love, it’s a good idea to know which zodiac signs are most compatible with yours for marriage. According to Monahan, there are three zodiac signs you should consider.

Gemini (from May 21 to June 20)

Libra will be immediately drawn in by their opposite sign. Only Gemini can compete with Libra’s charm and wit, and they’ll have no issue sweeping Libra off their feet. Gemini is a fun, intellectual, funny, and ultimately seductive sign for Libra. According to Monahan, these two form long-term relationships. “Attraction happens in the mind for Gemini, an intellectual air sign, and Libras have eloquence and reasoning powers to spare,” she explains. Libra will immediately fall head over heels and do everything in its power to make Gemini theirs.

Leo (from July 23 to August 22)

Leos, like Libras, value love, beauty, and romance, making them an excellent match. Libra will also appreciate how self-assured, passionate, and wild Leos can be. “These two are all about affection and attention, giving and taking, strutting tall, and showing off to each other,” Monahan adds. While others may see these as surface-level qualities of romance, they regard themselves as “modern-day lovers” who have no qualms about advertising their relationship on social media. Why shouldn’t they if it deepens their closeness and makes them feel good? This will be an exciting connection.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

The romantic Water sign will continue to attract and inspire Libra. Pisces and Libra are both great romantics at heart due to their strong connections with Venus, the planet of love. “Venus dominates Libra and is exalted in Pisces,” explains Monahan. “What exactly does this mean? When they come together, it will be like a wonderful, dreamy, rich love landscape like that gorgeous movie Moonlight from a few years ago. Or maybe some 1960s French movie.” They are two sensuous, loving, and creative individuals who were designed for each other. Their marriage can endure as long as they stay grounded and communicate any difficulties.

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