Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

When you’re in love as a Cancer, all you want to do is look out for your lover, create a life with them, and show them how much you care. Sadly, not everyone can recognize the significant work Cancers put into their relationships. Knowing which zodiac signs are the least compatible with Cancer will help you choose who isn’t worth the emotional investment because those born between June 21 and July 22 are more likely to be serious about finding their soul mate and spending the rest of their lives with them.

According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, the Moon, which has a largely passive nature, is Cancer’s ruling planet. Therefore, individuals require a companion who can both inspire them to take action and boost their confidence. Cancer’s mood swings significantly, much as the moon moves through phases. They need to locate someone who will put up with their constant mood swings and who also has patience and understanding.

As an astrologer, I am aware that each zodiac sign approaches relationships differently and faces a different set of challenges when it comes to romance. And the best course of action when it comes to astrological dating advice for Virgo is to refrain from committing the following typical relationship sins.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

It might be quite difficult to maintain a relationship with a Fire sign if you are a Water sign. Relationships can persist if you put the effort into them, but Cancers typically need a less fiery type in their lives. They need someone who can ground them, and Leo won’t be able to do that, according to Monahan. Leo tends to be very in the present, but Cancer needs a lot of security and emotional stability, she claims. “Initially, it’s exciting and impulsive, but over time, it’s not so ideal for someone who needs a little more nurturing on a regular basis.”

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

While Sagittarius and Cancer meet out of curiosity, they’re radically different in their heart — they’re another example of a Fire-Water combination that won’t last. Monahan asserts that although Cancer looks for ways to take care of their relationship, Sagittarius is constantly looking for their next adventure.

As one of the signs that values freedom the most, she claims that Sagittarius places a special emphasis on having space. Cancer can easily transition from mothering to suffocating. When Sagittarius perceives that their feeling of independence is in danger, they will quickly leave the situation, leaving the crab heartbroken.

Aquarius (20 January — 18 February)

Because Aquarius is analytical and Cancer is emotional, this Air-Water pairing is a bad zodiac match. “Aquarians don’t know how to communicate on the deep visceral level that Cancers are used to,” says Monahan. Cancers want to see their partner open up and cry on their shoulder, but Aquarius can come across as too cold and aloof for Cancer.

On the plus side, Aquarius is a fixed sign, so they, like Cancer, prefer long-term stable relationships.

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