Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Got a case of saying exactly the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time? An answer may be found in the heavens: Mercury retrograde is a planetary phenomenon that will affect us four times in 2022.

On Friday, January 14, 2022, Mercury will enter Aquarius and begin its first retrograde of the year. Then on Tuesday, January 25th, the globe will enter Capricorn. Misunderstandings, malfunctioning electronics, and other travel woes are to be anticipated as Mercury, the planet of communication and transportation, speeds through space backward. The shadow phase for the first Mercury retrograde of the year started on December 29, 2021, even though the retrograde itself won’t begin until Friday, January 14. We started to experience retrograde’s effects at this time, but they were less than when it was in full force.

Also, since Sunday, December 19th, Venus has been in retrograde motion, so be aware of its effects. Beauty, love, and prosperity are all within Venus’s sphere of influence. The romantic planet’s retrograde phase might make interpersonal dynamics more challenging. Due to Mercury’s retrograde motion, today is not a good time to have critical interactions with important others. Since Venus is the planet of love and beauty, it might be a hard time to chase down overdue bills or set up a business meeting. It’s good news because on January 29 the love planet will be in direct motion. After that, on Thursday, February 3, the first Mercury retrograde will conclude. It’s best to wait until Mercury and Venus finish their tango in reverse before broaching the topics of money, sex, and love.

While it will be simpler to communicate after this date, there is still a shadow period (on both ends) until Wednesday, February 23. During the shadow time, it is safe to sign crucial papers again; nevertheless, you should read the tiny print carefully. Knowing more about this celestial event will help you make the most of the three other Mercury retrogrades that you should include into your calendar for 2022.

Then, what precisely is Mercury retrograde?
Planet Mercury, named for the Roman god who carried messages between the gods, moves quickly and controls transportation, communication, and technology. To put it another way, it aids in communication by allowing us to regulate not only what we say but also how we interpret what we hear from others. Mercury seems to go backward in the sky three or four times a year. Even if other planets move retrograde as well, this one has the capacity to wreak havoc on everything having to do with transmission and communication. Although it might be unsettling, Mercury’s periods of inactivity provide welcome respite.

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This era is the cosmic analogue to the adage “measure twice, cut once,” and it affords us not two but three opportunities to get things just right. It begins in the pre-retrograde shadow phase, when Mercury first crosses a degree in the sky. As for the second, it occurs when Mercury is in retrograde and crosses this degree again, allowing for the possibility of reviewing and correcting previous errors. Our last window of opportunity to make progress is during Mercury’s last crossing over the degree, after it has finished its retrograde phase. As a general rule, Mercury retrograde’s effects may be expected to begin manifesting about two weeks before the planet’s apparent backward motion from the earth, and the aftermath can last for as long as two weeks after the retrograde finishes.

It is crucial that we watch our words during this Mercury retrograde time. Be very thorough with your proofreading and explanations in every message you send. False starts and Freudian slips are inevitable. Avoid signing any important contracts at this time since decision making may be muddled (although, if you must, be sure to thoroughly read the fine print). Do not purchase any new electronic equipment during the next three weeks, since Mercury will be in retrograde, which might be the cause of technological disasters (or if you do, make sure they come with a warranty). Additionally, if you are planning to travel, be sure to account for unexpected events such as postponements or missed turns.

Last but not least, during Mercury retrograde, it’s not uncommon for long-lost acquaintances and even lost loves to make a reappearance. Coffee invitations out of the blue and “innocent” offers to have beverages should usually be politely declined.

When does Mercury go retrograde in 2022, exactly?
That year (2022), Mercury will go through four retrograde periods. Here are a few of them:

The pre-retrograde shadow period runs from December 29, 2021, through January 14 of the following year, while the retrograde shadow period itself lasts from February 23 to March 23.

On April 25, the pre-retrograde shadow starts; on June 18, the post-retrograde shadow ends.

The pre-retrograde shadow starts on August 22, and the retrograde shadow finishes on October 16.

Beginning on December 12, 2022, the pre-retrograde shadow will last until January 18, 2023, and ending on February 23, 2023, the post-retrograde shadow will have passed.

When Mercury goes retrograde, what should I do?
Maintaining sanity during Mercury retrograde is easy: Proofread everything, choose your words with care, avoid signing contracts (or at least read them over carefully), back up your data, and prepare for the unexpected while travelling. Cosmic warrior, I must tell you that Mercury retrograde has its benefits; it may work as a quarterly self-evaluation. How well do you deal with setbacks? When bad things happen, what do you do to take care of yourself? It’s not the best time to make major changes, but Mercury retrograde is perfect for thinking things over.

This year’s first Mercury retrograde begins on Friday, January 14, so it’s important to keep up with your communication, particularly with those closest to you. This retrograde is driven by the eccentric character of Aquarius. This humanistic sign, ruled by the inventive planet Uranus, may be distant and forgetful. We are more prone to zone out and forget to react to an urgent email or leave a lover waiting when the communication planet reverses its orbit. But Mercury loves his new home in Gemini. If there are any hiccups in communication, we may take a deep breath and rely on Aquarius, the rational and intellectual air sign, to help us recover. It is your responsibility to maintain effective professional communication on Tuesday, January 25 as Mercury retrograde enters practical Capricorn, a sign governed by stern Saturn. A lawyer or trustworthy business partner should be consulted before signing any important business contracts at this time.

Because Gemini is such a gifted flirt, not only does this retrograde herald the return of ex-lovers, but we can also send the incorrect person inappropriate sexts.

As of Tuesday, May 10, Mercury will enter Gemini and remain there for the duration of the retrograde period, which will last until early July. Those with significant Gemini placements in their horoscopes will feel the effects of this retrograde more strongly than others since Mercury is Gemini’s governing planet. Given that Gemini is such a master flirt, this retrograde not only heralds the return of ex-lovers, but also raises the possibility that we may accidentally sext the incorrect person. Let the haze of yesteryear pass you by. Relax, meditate, and concentrate on the positive connections you have with others right now. You’ll be able to put down your phone, lean into those bubble baths, and take those guilt-free naps you’ve been meaning to take after Mercury retrograde departs Gemini and enters sensuous Taurus, ruled by gorgeous Venus, on Sunday, May 22. After this retrograde finishes on June 3, you may feel safe getting back into bed with your existing lover or preferred sex item.

On Friday, September 9, Mercury will begin its retrograde motion in Libra. Due to Libra’s association with relationships and equilibrium, this time of year is often associated with the reappearance of long-lost lovers. Keep in mind that the short-term adrenaline high of sexting with someone you shouldn’t is not worth compromising a long-term healthy relationship, a promising crush, or even a supportive group of friends and a powerful vibrator. As of this coming Friday, September 23rd, Mercury retrograde will no longer be in the air sign of Libra, but rather the earth sign of Virgo, which is governed by Mercury. At its finest, Virgo energy is detail-oriented and creative; but, when Mercury, Virgo’s governing planet, is retrograde, Virgo energy may become anxious and cause the mind to race. Make an appointment with your therapist and rest easy knowing that the planet will be in its most favourable aspect since last May on October 2.

If you can maintain some degree of adaptability and show your love and appreciation to those around you, the end of the year may still be spectacular.

On Thursday, December 29, Mercury will begin its fourth and last retrograde of 2022 in ambitious Capricorn. Capricorn may be an earth sign controlled by the disciplinarian Saturn and noted for its professionalism, but it also has a dark side. If your preparations for celebrating the end of the year and the arrival of the New Year’s fireworks are disrupted by Mercury retrograde, you may feel irritated. Stay adaptable and show your love freely, and you should have a great year end. On January 18 of 2023, Mercury will turn direct in Capricorn, and we’ll let you know what it means for the next year.

Frustrations are to be anticipated when the messenger planet travels backwards, given how essential communication is to our everyday life. Though Mercury retrogrades may be frustrating and lead to errors, they are rarely catastrophic. Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, moves retrograde three or four times year; you’ve gone through this before and will again.

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