Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

The Importance Of Mercury

Mercury is the gods’ messenger in Vedic Astrology. It is the sign of Gemini and Virgo’s Lord. Mercury is the planet that is nearest to the Sun. Mercury is also known in Indian mythology as Budh, which means Wisdom. Mercury thus reflects a person’s intelligence, wit, and humour. Mercury is a benefic planet, yet it has the potential to become malefic in some circumstances. People born with a strong Mercury have acute mental talents, but they may also suffer from worry and indecisiveness.

The Boons Of Mercury

Mercury is a dual-natured planet that rules the signs of Virgo and Gemini in the Zodiac. Mercury has an effect on the limbs, ears, lungs, neurological system, skin, and other body parts. Mercury is the planet of rationality. In their natal chart, people with a strong Mercury in their horoscope have outstanding reasoning and analytical ability.

Whom Does Mercury Help?

Mercury is the planet of communication and represents sectors such as commerce, trade, accounting, banking, mobile phones, networking, computers, and so on. A strong Mercury indicates achievement in the areas listed above. Mercury is also in charge of telephones, telegraphs, e-mails, couriers, and other sorts of mail. Thus, writers, astrologers, news reporters, media people, mathematicians, chartered accountants, lawyers, dealers, brokers, businesspeople, and others have well-placed powerful Mercury in their horoscopes. Mercury is strong in the birth chart of many successful artists, sculptors, and salespeople.

Some Important Information About Mercury Planet:

Mercury is stated to be the prince among the nine planets of the solar system.

Day of the Mercury planet: Wednesday
Direction: North
Colour: Green, Light Green
Orbit Time: (In Each Zodiac Sign): One Month
Orbit Time: (Of the entire Zodiac sign cycle): 12 Months
Nature: Duality
Constellations Which It Rules: Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati
Friendly Planets: Sun, Venus and Rahu
Enemy Planets: Moon
Neutral Planets: Mars, Saturn and Jupiter
Own Sign: Gemini, Virgo
Mool Trikon Sign: Virgo
Exalted Sign: Virgo
Debilitated In: Pisces
Special Features: Intelligence, Logic, Speech and Voice
Karak House: 10th House
Metal: Lead
Precious Stone: Green Emerald
Vimshottari: Mahadasha Period (17 years)
If well placed, it signifies: Business mind, cleverness, wisdom, and mathematical skills.
If negatively placed, it signifies: poor grasping power, speech problems, communication problems, dullness.
Represents: Sisters, small children
Body parts which it concerns: Skin, nervous system
Diseases caused: Skin problems, obsession, giddiness, speech issues, lack of grasping power, problems in understanding
Mantra for Mercury: Om Bum Budhay Namah
Mantra chanting number: 5,000 times
Charity for Mercury: Green cloth, green vegetables, pulses, green grass for the cow
Lord Vishnu is the main deity to worship for making Mercury stronger.

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