Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Jupiter, also known as Guru, is regarded as one of astrology’s most benefic planets. It is the largest planet in the solar system, and in terms of size, it is the closest to the Sun. The Sun takes around 12 years to cycle around the Earth, which implies that it spends about one year in each zodiac sign, according to transit or Gochar. As the name suggests, it is regarded as a teacher or ‘Guru.’ If Jupiter is well aspected and placed strongly in any Birth Chart-Horoscope, it makes the native truthful and honest, and gives him with ‘Divine Grace.’

Jupiter is also referred to as ‘Brihaspati.’ It is the ruler of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces. It reaches Exaltation in the Moon’s sign of Cancer, with a deep Exaltation point of five degrees of Cancer. In Capricorn, the sign of Saturn, it becomes weakened. In the Lagna, or 1st House, Jupiter gains directional power. Because an Archer represents Sagittarius, residents with an Elevated Jupiter in their charts are more likely to hit or achieve their goals than other natives. Jupiter also denotes expression or communication, as Pisces is a Watery sign with Fishes as its symbol.

Famous Yogas such as ‘Gajakesari Yoga’ or a Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga like ‘Hamsa Yoga,’ among many others, are named after Jupiter.

It is a male planet that belongs to the ‘Sattva Guna.’ Those with a well-placed Jupiter are good, honest, devout, God-fearing, and smart advisers with calm dispositions.

Jupiter represents the direction North-East. Those who are familiar with Vaastu know that this is the most auspicious section of the plot, known as ‘Eeshan,’ where one might keep an image of the Lord for daily worship.

Jupiter’s Special Aspects: Each planet has been assigned a common ‘drishti,’ also known as an aspect. Another planet, House, or zodiac sign can be influenced by an aspect. Normally, every planet is assigned the 7th House ability of aspect, which means it can sign from its own placement and aspect the planet situated in the 7th House. Apart from the 7th House, Jupiter has been granted unique powers in the 5th and 9th House aspects. As a result, if Jupiter is well positioned, say in the 5th House, it will face the 9th House as well as the Lagna or 1st House, forming a complete Trikona aspect, in addition to its aspect to the 11th House of Gains.

Punarvasu, Visakha, and Purva Bhadra are Jupiter’s Nakshatras or Constellations. If Jupiter is the Lord of a Benefic House in a Horoscope, and three or more planets are located in Jupiter’s constellations, it will have a very positive impact on the Horoscope’s positivity and the native’s fate.

Brihaspati is the son of Angirasa (Anga – physical body; rasa – bodily fluid) according to legend. In grief or joy, fear or wrath, hope or disappointment, the body secretes and flows fluid continuously. Brihaspati also concerns our food, life, and living because food is the source of fluid (Rasa), which exerts control over the body and mind (Chittavriiti). It provides the ability to sustain life by linking to the liver in the body.

Brihaspati is also known as Bachaspati, or Lord of speech, eloquence, and wisdom. ‘Bach’ stands for ‘Bak’ or speech, and ‘Pati’ stands for Master. Birhaspati represents expressiveness, much how water travels freely in Jupiter’s sign of Pisces.

It is known as the ‘Dev Guru,’ or one who guides the Devtas, or Gods. As a result, those with Jupiter’s good impact have religious personalities.

Jupiter is a significator of good fortune because he is Lord of the Natural ‘Bhagyasthana’ in the Kala Purusha Kundli.

Jupiter, like the 9th House, represents long voyages.

Jupiter denotes righteousness or justice, while the 9th House represents ‘Dharma.’ It signifies heightened awareness.

Jupiter represents gold, wealth, and finance.

It is also the karaka for the husband in the horoscope of a woman.

Jupiter is the god of children.

If the aforesaid karakas present in the ruling planets, we may readily determine a positive answer when making Prashna or Horary charts.

Jupiter’s significations for the body and health are growth and accumulation. It governs several body parts such as the liver, tumours, cancer, hearing organs, lower abdomen, hips, blood circulation, blood pressure, arteries, and body fat. This is why people with Jupiter’s effect on their Lagnas tend to gain weight or become obese in their middle years. The 9th House appears in Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, in Kala Purusha Kundli’s natural Horoscope. It denotes the area of the legs above the knees.

As a result, this region of the leg, together with the lower half of the feet, signifies the last part of the body downwards, just as Pisces, Jupiter’s ruling sign, is the last sign of the zodiac. Jupiter is in charge of leg elephantitis. It also regulates jaundice, as Jupiter, as previously stated, rules the liver.

Jupiter is also associated with temples, courts, colleges and schools, large palace structures, and other venues where religious talks take place. Jupiter’s realm will include the construction of schools, colleges, universities, charity institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums, banks, temples, churches, and mosques.

Astrological inferences fully embody logic. Sagittarius, the 9th House, also represents advanced education. As a result, Jupiter is associated with higher education.

The 9th House represents long journeys and all matters pertaining to long journeys.

In Hindu Astrology, the 9th House represents father, and father is also regarded as the first Guru; so, Jupiter represents one’s ‘Guru’ or ‘Preceptor.’

Religion is represented by the 9th House, whereas dialogue and charity work are represented by the 12th House, Pisces. Jupiter is often associated with sermons or talks.

The 12th House also signifies long-term investments, thus this logic must be linked to Jupiter. Jupiter rules the 12th House, which governs expenditures, capital investments, outflow of funds, foreign exchange, the Reserve Bank, Forex, and the rise in Shares and Stocks.

Because Jupiter rules the 12th House, which includes foreign travels, hospitalizations, the other world, and Moksha or salvation, all aspects of the 12th House are regulated by Jupiter.

Because Jupiter is the largest planet and possesses expansionary characteristics, whatever it unites with will be gigantic, vast, or immense.

Jupiter governs getting famous, gaining respect in society, promotions, and progress because it is vast and expressive.

Jupiter-related vocations include preaching and priestly work. Jupiter also represents the zone of knowledge, therefore any vocation associated with educational institutions falls under Jupiter’s sphere. Jupiter, being a ‘Dev Guru’ or teacher, is associated with ‘Dharma’ or righteousness, hence all professions involving law, including courts of law, fall under its jurisdiction. Because Jupiter is the karaka of children, all occupations involving child care and nurturing, such as mother-toddler play schools, fall within Jupiter’s domain. The 9th House of Travels is ruled by Jupiter, the owner of Sagittarius, the 9th zodiac sign, as is the Navy and overseas travel-related enterprises.

All occupations associated to things that produce fat in the body, such as trading in milk, ghee, sweetmeats, almonds, cashew nuts, and peanuts, are ruled by Jupiter. Because Jupiter is Lord of the 12th House and the Pisces sign in the natural horoscope, all occupations related to hospitals, jails, publicity, foreign trade, shipbuilding, offshore drilling, development, and other related fields fall within Jupiter’s purview.

To summarise, Jupiter rules over all legal professions, Brahmins, teaching, scriptures, lawyers, advocates, interest, rent, banking and finance, ministers, administrators, bankers, revenue department, treasury, economics, gold, turmeric, rubber, metals, springs, jewellery, shipping, and foreign affairs.

To sum up, there are a variety of technical factors that can influence Jupiter’s effects, such as aspects and conjunctions from other planets. Jupiter is a significant figure in mundane astrology as well. However, they are academic difficulties that must be addressed independently.

In individual horoscopes, a strong Jupiter is associated with a strong promise and assurance of divine intervention and providential assistance available to a native in times of stress and strife, assuming all other planetary placements are favourable. It’s also a sign of your ‘Purva Poonya,’ or the results of previous good deeds that are now reaping fruit in this life.

Jupiter is regarded as one of astrology’s most benefic planets. It is the largest planet in the solar system, and in terms of size, it is the closest to the Sun. That explains how Jupiter is influential in areas like as body and health, career choice, and religious inclination.

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