Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Religion is commonly referred to as a massive repository of ethics, rituals, mythology, philosophy, belief systems, and faith. Many people believe that happiness is impossible to achieve without ethics, which, in turn, is impossible to achieve without religion. The fact that religion confronts sadness and suffering head on and offers ways and means to achieve eternal happiness says loudly about the importance of religion in our daily lives. Religion is beneficial. Astrology is the same way. If you’re having issues in life, consult our astrologer.

Well, there’s a lot in religion that may be used to enhance not only our lives, but also our cognitive processes and make the world a better place. Every religion, in fact, has something new and unique to offer. Mythology, for example, takes a major place among the numerous parts of religion. Symbolism, imagination, enrichment, and consciousness extension are all aspects of mythology. Hinduism, like many other religions, has a long and illustrious history and legend. One of the most intriguing characteristics of Hindu tales is that followers are generally forbidden from worshipping the creator God Brahma.

Very Few Temples Of Lord Brahma In India And The World

According to Hinduism’s notion of God, Lord Brahma has long been a prominent God in the Hindu pantheon. He is a member of the Hindu Trinity, which includes Brahma as the Creator (of the Universe), Vishnu as the Preserver and Protector, and Shiva as the Dissolver and Ender of Existence (the ultimate Doomsday). While Vishnu and Shiva are widely worshipped, with innumerable temples dedicated to them in India and other parts of the world, Lord Brahma’s worship is mostly outlawed. With the exception of a temple devoted to Lord Brahma at Pushkar, Rajasthan (and a few temples in South India), there are few temples dedicated to Lord Brahma.

The Creation Of Shatarupa

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Brahma created the Universe, as well as a female deity known as Shatarupa, who can take on a hundred different forms. Shatarupa was a stunning woman. Brahma became enamoured with her and followed her around, staring at her wherever she went. According to Lord Brahma facts, this behaviour does not befit a God who should be full of heavenly characteristics and not tied to his creation.

Brahma Sprouted New Heads

Shatarupa was embarrassed by his attention and intent and attempted to avert his gaze. Regardless of which way she went, he focused his attention there. In fact, to stare at Shatarupa, he added one head in each direction, giving him four heads. This enraged her even more, and Shatarupa leapt into the air. But, in order to keep looking at her, Brahma sprouted another head at the top, giving him the fifth head.

Brahma’s Unacceptable Behaviour

Brahma developed a strong attachment to Shatarupa and became possessive of her. Lord Shiva was enraged at Lord Brahma’s uncivilised and obscene behaviour. As a result of Lord Brahma’s improper behaviour toward his creation, Lord Shiva condemned him and chopped off his fifth head. Brahma was enamoured of transient things (external beauty) while ignoring the eternal reality of the soul. He went from being spiritual to being materialistic. Thus. Brahma was cursed by Lord Shiva, who forbade him from being worshipped.

The Second Legend From Shiva Purana

According to the second legend (from the Shiv Purana), Brahma and Vishnu competed to see who was superior and who should be worshipped first. However, Brahma used the wrong strategy in this competition, telling a lie and attempting to deceive Lord Vishnu. When Shiva learned of this, he became outraged and condemned Brahma, declaring him unworthy of devotion.

The Logical Explanation To Brahma’s Failings

Let us now examine the rationale for Lord Brahma’s non-worship. Nature is the owner of everything. Nature creates and does everything, thus nothing belongs to an individual. We are merely a vehicle or instrument. As a result, if we produce something, we do not own it. If we believe we own anything, it isn’t really ours, and it will bring us misery, worry, tension, anxiety, and pain. After the creation of the Universe and Shatarupa, Lord Brahma did just that. He developed a sense of possessiveness over her, which is unworthy of a God. As a result, Lord Shiva took away his ability to worship.

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