Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Your zodiac sign may reveal a lot about your peculiarities and character qualities, but how did it come to be so revered? Your sign is defined by the planetary ruler that rules it. Each planet in astrology has qualities that are absorbed by the sign of the zodiac it rules. Two intense governing planets are accountable for the rebellious tendency and too analytical side of the eccentric and stubborn Aquarius. They offer these powerful air signs the determination to flout the law and the aspiration to alter society. While Uranus rules Aquarius in modern astrology, Saturn rules Aquarius in classical astrology.

Like the other signs of the zodiac, Aquarius is influenced by both its traditional and current planetary rulers, Uranus and Saturn. Uranus, the contemporary ruler of Aquarius, is a troublemaker. Whether you’re ready for it or not, when this planet turns up, it’s about to drastically alter your viewpoint or bring about a significant change in your life. On the other hand, Saturn, the ancient ruler of Aquarius, embodies the values of responsibility and discipline, which explains why the water bearer feels a strong need to support society.

It’s a terrific way to go further into your own birth chart, and you don’t have to be an Aquarius to learn about its ruling planets. Learn more about Aquarius’ historic and contemporary planetary rulers by reading on.

The Planet Uranus, the Ruler of Aquarius

While contemporary astrology correctly includes the more recently discovered planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, traditional astrology only takes into account the seven celestial bodies that can be seen with the unaided eye: the sun, moon, and planets up to Jupiter. Uranus was found in 1781 by astronomer William Herschel, though at first he thought it was a comet. The Greek sky deity, who is also known as the universe’s supreme being, inspired the naming of this ice monster. Because of its upsetting, sincere, and unexpected energy, Uranus is known as the “Great Awakener” in astrology.

This frigid planet stands for an unexpected shock that acts as a reminder that something has to change in your life. It purposefully places barriers in your path to encourage you to go forward. Uranus is poised to deliver a shocker of a surprise while in transit. This celestial body is come to create a commotion with a message that can’t wait; imagine it as a ringtone ringing off in a silent meeting room.

Aquarius and Uranus’ Interaction

Aquarius is always promoting innovation and a progressive culture since Uranus is all about the shock element and wants to alter customs. The Aquarian approach of questioning the current quo with plans to go forward as a group is comparable to how the Ice Queen pumps the brakes and calls out what has to be addressed in relationships, at work, and in your social life.

“The planet Uranus is known for sudden shift. The “rebel without a cause” sort of energy is strongly supported by Uranus energy. Uranus is known for challenging conventional wisdom and teaching us that being different and unusual can be beautiful, according to astrologer MaKayla McRae, aka TheStarryEyedMystic, who spoke with Bustle.

Saturn: The Traditional Aquarius Ruler’s Planet

Saturn represents accountability and discipline and was named after the Roman god of agriculture. According to conventional astrology, Capricorn, which is also controlled by Saturn, and Aquarius both have Saturn as their planetary ruler. (Fun fact: Cronus, who was the father of the Greek pantheon and is known as Saturn in Roman mythology, is descended from Uranus in Greek mythology.) Although this evil planet may seem menacing, its goal is to promote diligence and maturity.

Aquarius and Saturn’s Influence

Saturn is associated with longevity and maintaining customs. Saturn gives Aquarians their impartiality and analytical thinking, despite the fact that they are status-conscious Aquas.

“Saturn is more concerned with organisation. It looks for consistency, limitations, and usable application. This is why Aquarians frequently take a detached stance, considering the overall picture of the circumstance without allowing subjective emotions to obscure their judgement, according to McRae.

It makes sense that Aquarians are renowned for being difficult to pin down given the unpredictable nature of Uranus and Saturn’s demand for sturdiness. Although their urge to challenge authority (Uranus) nearly goes against their stoic outlook (Saturn), these astrological influences eventually imply Aquarius is about eradicating customs and advancing civilization.

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