Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Sharing the same zodiac sign with someone does not always indicate that you have cosmic friendship inscribed in the stars. Some zodiac bulls feel so strongly that April Taureans and May Taureans might as well be engaging in a bullfight in the heavens. We all have unique birth charts comprised of points and planets that can change signs according on the day, year, and even minute of our birth, therefore variations in our sign’s characteristics are to be expected. But is there astrological evidence to substantiate the purported distinctions between an April Taurus and a May Taurus?

Many of the discrepancies across zodiac sign groups may be attributed to the fact that our birth charts contain several planets that affect our personalities, and our sun sign is only one piece of this intricate jigsaw. Although practically everyone born between April 20 and May 20 is a Taurus (and certainly shares key Taurus characteristics such as compatibility), their Mercury, Venus, Mars, and rising signs may differ. In terms of how they pursue their objectives, manage their relationships, think about life, and express their emotions, they may have distinctive methods.

There are many reasons why two Taureans might be so unlike, but zodiac sign decans are among the most intriguing. This approach entails subdividing each zodiac sign into three subgroups called as decans. Each decan is co-ruled by a separate planet, which influences how the energy of a zodiac sign is represented externally. On the zodiac wheel, each sign spans 30 degrees; therefore, the first 10 degrees of a sign correspond to the first decan, the second 10 degrees correspond to the second decan, and the last 10 degrees correspond to the third decan. As the sun travels around one degree every day, the majority of April Taureans will be first decan Taureans, as the sun will be traversing the first 10 degrees of the sign at the time of their birth. In contrast, the majority of Taureans born in May are either second or third decans.

Using decans as a basis, let’s examine the most noticeable contrasts between April Taureans and May Taureans, which will provide us with a more diverse perspective on the zodiac’s fixed earth signs.

April Taureans possess the most common Taurean characteristics.

Venus, the planet of love, worth, and value, is the planetary ruler of Taurus. However, Taureans born in May nearly invariably fall into the second or third decan of the sign, meaning they have an additional co-ruling planet that impacts their Taurean energy. Due to the fact that April’s bulls (also known as first decan Taureans) are completely governed by Venus, they are recognised for exhibiting the most traditional Taurus characteristics, such as being loyal, grounded, and pleasure-seeking. Typically, these prototypical Taureans will correspond to the more broad strengths and weaknesses associated with their sign.

Taureans in May Are Extremely Career-Driven

Taurus is naturally adept at balancing work and leisure, and they are enthusiastic about both. However, because they are co-ruled by either Mercury (planet of logistics) or Saturn (planet of responsibility), Taureans born in May tend to be more work- and detail-oriented than those born in April. Both of these planets add a methodical, meticulous, and disciplined energy to Taurus’ already workaholic nature, which makes them unstoppable when it comes to getting things done, even if they insist on taking their time.

April Taureans Are Particularly Romantic.

As one of the earth zodiac signs, Taureans are extremely sensuous individuals who like the pleasures of the physical world. However, because the earliest decan Taureans (those born in April) have the most Venusian impact on their personality, they tend to be the most hedonistic of the group. These bulls adore anything that tastes, smells, looks, sounds, or feels wonderful; therefore, exquisite cuisine, silky linens, a sweet-smelling bouquet, or a comfortable snuggle session will cause them to swoon. Physical contact is unquestionably a Taurus’ love language, and April-born Taureans like it even more.

May Taureans Are Less Recalcitrant.

Given that they are symbolised by the sign of the bull, it’s not surprise that stubbornness is frequently considered as one of Taurus’ worst flaws. However, because the second decan Taureans (those born in early May) are co-ruled by the changeable planet Mercury, they tend to be more adaptive, flexible, and agile. These Taureans are typically more receptive to change than the ordinary bull, thus it is typically easier to convince them to soften their attitude or try something new than an April Taurus.

April Taureans Enjoy Expensive Flavor

As one of the signs controlled by the hedonistic planet Venus, Taureans have a passion for opulence and an admiration for all things beautiful. However, April Taureans have an even greater need for luxury. First decan Taureans can’t help but be attracted to beauty in all its forms, and their artistic eye often results in extravagant tastes. These Taureans work just as hard as any other bull, but they do so because of the reward they receive afterward: the opportunity to sit back, relax, and enjoy life’s finest pleasures.

Taureans Possess A Robust Sense Of Discipline.

Taureans are fixed zodiac signs, thus they are inherently steady and security-oriented individuals. However, third decan Taureans (those born in mid-May) are co-ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure, making them even more dependable than the typical Taurus. These Taureans are extremely self-disciplined and conscientious, so while they like relaxing, they typically prefer to see things through and complete their to-do lists before having time to unwind. They value a consistent routine, and their great patience and dependability make them among of the most trustworthy Taureans.

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