Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
Career Report/Career - Free Horoscopes

Now a days, well-qualified professionals with the right skills and experience can often find great, high-paying, work-from-home jobs that offer the same career opportunities as traditional positions. Work from home jobs have become very familiar since lockdown last year. Astrology, the science of fortune telling is also capable of giving insight on natives with which Rashi and lagna can have great and bright chances of growth and progress in this category of jobs. So, today we are going to discuss about astrological facts which can gives success in work from home jobs. 

According to Vedic Astrology

Ancient Scriptures of Vedic astrology gives a detail idea about this, let me try to explain all this step by step to my readers.

1. If in a natives horoscope, lagna as well as 10th house lord falls in a sthir rashi and well situated then that person will be successful in work for home job.

2. If in a native horoscope rashi and 10th house lord falls in a sthir rashi and well situated then that person will be successful in work for home job.

3. If in a natives horoscope both lagna rashi and 10th house and 10th lord both will be in sthir rashi then that person will be successful and continues on  work from home jobs .

4. If in horoscope 10th house lord in Sthir rashi and 10th house is in sthir rashi native will be indulge in work from home jobs

According to Kp Astrology

1. If sub-lord of 10th cusp in a natives chart situated in sthir rashi and aspected by slow moving planets aspect that then native will do work from home job .

2. If sub-lord of lagna cusp and 10 cusp together situated in 10th house of a native then that native will be in sthir rashi then the native will be successful in work from home jobs

3. If sub-lord of 10th cusp is situated in sthir rashi and aspected by slow moving planets then work from home job will give financial success .

There are many more combinations like this, provided by our ancient sages and wise scholars in past, but I don’t want to confuse my reader by providing all these here.

Let me simplified all these for my readers

Basically, native with these rashis – Taurus (vrishabh) , Leo (Singha) , Scorpio (vrischik) and Aquarius (kumbha) – will get better results in work from home jobs .

1. Sthir lagna + 10th house lord sthir rashi = good results in work from home job

2. Sthir Rashi + 10th house lord sthir rashi = Emotionally attached to work from home job

3. Lagna & Rashi in fixed sign (sthir rashi) and 10th house  lord in sthir rashi = better results in work from home job

4. 10th house lord in sthir rashi + 10th house on sthir rashi + moon in sthir rashi = better results in work from home job.

Planets situated, aspected or conjoined on those houses and other factors also play major roles regarding this, but still you can check these above mentioned combinations in your chart which can give you clear insight about whether you will get success in work from home job or not.

If you are already doing work from home job and want to improve your situation and income then do this simple remedies.

Remedies for work from home jobs

 1. Do grounding meditation for 5 minutes in early morning

 2. Do serve foods to vaisnav bramhins .

 3. Place an education tower in you working place at home. 

If you are doing work from home and after doing all the above remedies still don’t get right benefit, you can connect with me at: Suvrajit

Bodhi App/Astro Suvrajit

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