Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

A new year means a new beginning, as well as a fresh load of astrological drama. And, being the first full moon of the year, the January 2022 full moon (also known as the Wolf Moon) isn’t wasting any time in making us cry.  

A full moon occurs each month when the sun and moon oppose each other in the zodiac. The lighted zenith of the lunar cycle is marked by this astronomical occurrence. In astrology, full moons are connected with an increase in energy and tension, which can result in emotional build-ups or blowouts. They can, however, be beneficial for letting go of old sentiments, seeing circumstances more clearly, or bringing projects to a peak or completion. Emotions will be at their peak during the January 2022 full moon, and we will be pushed to discover the power in our sentiments.

Working with the full moon energy’s power is an excellent method for improving any metaphysical practice. Continue reading for a deep dive into the spiritual significance of the January 2022 full moon.

What do we understand is the Spiritual Meaning of the Wolf Moon?

The Wolf Moon is another name given to a full moon that occurs during the month of January, according to the Farmer’s Almanac. It appears to be called for the fact that wolves howl more frequently during the cold season, which is typically when this lunation appears. It was long thought that wolves’ increased howling during this time of year was due to a scarcity of food sources throughout the cold season. However, biologists now believe that howling is a territorial gesture that wolves do to establish their claim and make their presence known throughout the colder months.

On a metaphorical level, the astrological themes of this full moon mimic the survivalist feelings of its nickname’s origin tale, as this Wolf Moon is all about defense, safety, and power. 

With the sun presently in Capricorn, we’re focusing on riches, authority, and material stability this month. However, the moon will be the maternal sign of Cancer during the time of this lunation. This raises sentiments and difficulties about our homes, families, and emotional well-being, and it may make us feel more sensitive and in need of caring.

However, we may need to develop strategies to nourish ourselves. This full moon will collide with the cunning and meticulous Pluto, bringing our shadowy aspects to the fore and triggering our survival instincts. It’s unpleasant to have to confront our worries and anxieties, thus this lunation might be extremely difficult. 

On the plus side, it allows us to start standing up for our inner selves and open our souls to self-compassion, which is one of Cancer’s most powerful zodiac attributes. Embracing our sensitivity strengthens the bond, and this lunation emphasizes the need of adopting, respecting, and treating ourselves — no matter how caught up we get in the themes of job, money, or financial success in Capricorn season.

How to Work with the Energy of the Full Wolf Moon

Because the Wolf Moon is always the first full moon of the year, you may discover that the goals you established for yourself on New Year’s Day — or even during the January new moon that arose just after — are being brought into focus in a more practical way underneath this lunation. 

Full moons frequently indicate a climax or conflict, but they also provide a sense of light. So, if you’ve failed to follow your resolutions or discovered that the “new year, new me” impetus is more difficult to sustain than it seems, you may utilize your full moon awareness to alter your path.

Because this lunation is taking place in Cancer’s home sign, it’s an extremely strong moment to align with the moon’s themes in astrology as well.

Take a cleansing bath to embrace the element of water if you wish to create a ceremony for this Cancerian lunation.  

It’s an excellent time to find previously invisible hurdles between you and your 2022 ambitions and to begin letting go of the 2021 baggage you may not have known you were carrying until now.

As you relax in the tub, light some candles and focus on your full moon intentions, then flush all your anxieties and doubts down the drain. You may also make a list of everything you’re letting go of and recite it aloud while bathing in the metaphorical moonlight.

By Deeksha

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