Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

After the union of Holy Matrimony, one of the greatest joys a couple might anticipate is the birth of a child. Becoming a parent is rewarding for both men and women. Having a child is a major life decision, and there are a lot of factors to consider when a couple chooses to start a family. Preparation, however, also requires speaking with a skilled astrologer about the auspicious nakshatras of conception.

Here’s an article that uses Indian horoscopes to tell you when you’re most likely to have a healthy, happy kid.

Positivity in childbirth – practical astrological advice for labour and delivery

A child’s journey does not begin with birth. In the womb, a child’s adventure starts. Most Indians are quite particular about the most fortunate times to conceive and give birth, hence consulting an astrologer is strongly recommended.

Astrologers have extensive knowledge about optimal times to conceive and give birth. The process of giving birth is represented in the Markandeya Purana.

Clerk’s mother Madalasa advises him in the text to wait three to four days before engaging in sexual activity during his period. Some astrological experts believe that only certain odd and even numbered nights are conducive to sexual activity and pregnancy.

What’s the Optimal Time for Sexual Activity During Pregnancy?

Nights 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 13 for a typical newborn.

If you want to have a healthy kid, you should try to become pregnant during the ninth and tenth night.

The 12th night is reserved for the humblest of children.

It’s the 14th night for a heavenly child.

A youngster with exceptional intelligence should be honoured on the sixteenth night.

A kid of means gets the 15th night free.

Birthing in the Four Best Nakshatras

In Vedic astrology, the nakshatras are considered crucial to the success of the pregnancy and the delivery. There are a total of 27 nakshatras, with just four considered to be optimal for giving birth. Check it out and see!

Ashwini Nakshatra and Childbirth

The head of a horse may represent several things.

Aries is the zodiac sign.

One of the elements is Earth.

Ashwani Nakshatra is the first moon constellation in the zodiac belt. When it comes to giving birth, this Nakshatra is considered to be among the best. It is a symbol of virility, authority, and power. An individual born under this nakshatra has the potential to think deeply and creatively.

As with an untamed horse, a kid born under Ashwani nakshatra would have a strong sense of independence and a thirst for adventure.

The child will have the qualities of a wild horse, including a fierce determination that will propel them to great heights in life.

Bharani Nakshatra is the natal star.

Symbol of the genital organs

Aries is the zodiac sign.

One of the elements is Earth.

Bharani Nakshatra is the second asterism in the Zodiac ring. A person with Venusian traits would be born under the Bharani nakshatra.

Children born during Bharani nakshatra are said to have Venusian qualities like empathy and originality.

According to astrology, it is one of the most popular and auspicious nakshatras for having a baby. The kid will grow up to be courageous and kind.

In Hindu astrology, the month of Pushya Nakshatra coincides with the time of giving birth.

Symbolic Flower and Arrow

Cancer is my zodiac sign.

In chemistry, water is considered a component.

Pushti (also known as Pushya Nakshatra) is the eighth constellation. A Pushya nakshatra baby has a lot of brains and is quite bright.

These young people have a kind disposition. Their calm demeanour has served them well and helped them accomplish much.

The planetary ruler of this nakshatra is Saturn. A kid born in the Pushya nakshatra will provide an abundance of vitality to everyone around them.

These children will have a great deal of good fortune throughout their life.

With the arrival of the Magha Nakshatra, the time of conception is at hand.

Symbolic use of the palanquin.

The Lion is the king of the stars.

In chemistry, water is considered a component.

Ketu controls the tenth zodiacal nakshatra, Magha. It is said that a child born under the Magha nakshatra would grow up to be a noble and upstanding member of society.

This kid is going somewhere, and he or she will lead.

Young people will eventually take on leadership roles as they mature.

These children are born with the power to alter the course of history.

Babies born in Magha nakshatra tend to be leaders.

These adolescents grow into adults who are eager to provide a hand to those in need and who will go to great lengths to protect their peers from harm.

Best Tithes for Family Preparation

Births may also occur during the nakshatras of Rohini, Hasta, Chitra, Purva Ashadha, Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Uttara Phalguni, Adra, Mrigashirsha, Uttara Bhadrapada, Swati, and Anuradha, in addition to the four most auspicious nakshatras for birthing.

Every second, third, fifth, tenth, seventh, twelfth, and thirteenth should be set aside for sexual activity.

Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Wednesdays are the best days to interact with a healthy child, so plan your activities accordingly.

What Day Is Best for a Baby Boy to Be Born?

Most families would rather have a son than a daughter, reasoning that males continue the family line. Of course, having both a girl and a boy in the household is desirable, but a girl is the Devi or Goddess of the home regardless.

The optimal time to have a son if your first child was a girl may be calculated by consulting an astrologer. According to their zodiac signs and birth charts, astrologers prescribe treatments that increase the likelihood of a boy’s conception.

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