Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Numerology and the concept of destiny have had a special allure for humans ever since recorded history began. One of the oldest numerology charts is the Chaldean chart, which was developed around the sixth century. Though many numerologists before Cheiro in the 19th century tried to make predictions using Chaldean numerology, no one was as accurate as he was. In this guide, we’ll learn about the man who pioneered the field of numerology known as cheiro. In his day and age, he was a major player.

Are you interested in learning more about Cheiro, the secrets contained in the cheiros book of numbers, the factors that contributed to his meteoric rise to fame, and the steps necessary to determine your own Cheiro birth number? This book has the solutions if that’s your question.

The Past of Cheiro and Current Theories

Famous palm reader William John Warner used the alias Cheiro to make predictions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The following are examples of some of Cheiro’s most spot-on predictions.

Arthur James Balfour’s rise to power in Britain was widely anticipated.

The CEO of the company responsible for building the Titanic was given a dire warning.

Foreseeing the revolutions that would lead to the Russian Revolution and World War II

He pegged his own expiration date at 1936.

The Cheiro Numerology Chart: What Is It?

The Cheiro numerology chart uses the numbers 1 through 8. Since 9 is a sacred number that must not be assigned to any alphabet, it gets removed.

This is how the cheiro numerology chart appears:

1 – A, I, J, Q, Y

2 – B, K, R

3 – C, G, L, S

4 – D, M, T

5 – E, H, N, X

6 – U, V, W

7 – O, Z

8 – F, P

The Significance of the First Eight Cheiro Numbers

First in the Cheiro Numerology

According to Cheiro numerology, the Sun plays a crucial role in determining one’s destiny. This means that those whose birth or name numbers are 1 are blessed with the qualities of the Sun.

There is hope for the future of business and world leadership in the hands of these individuals.

They have an enthusiastic, positive attitude.

People who work for them get help from them.

According to the Second Cheiro,

The Moon rules this particular number. Natives with the identifying number 2 are consequently very desirable.

They’re quite creative.

They avoid fighting and seldom have disagreements.

They are talented in the performing arts, the visual arts, the literary arts, and the dance arts.

The Third Cheiro Number

In cheiro numerology, the number three is governed by Jupiter, the planet of insight and comprehension. Some people just have a natural knack for logic.

They are excellent sounding boards.

They have a strict code of conduct.

Perhaps they’re more powerful than you think.

You won’t win an argument with them.

They flourish as both students and leaders on the global and national stage.

The 4th Cheiro Number

Rahu and Uranus are the ruling planets for the number 4. Rahu elevates these people spiritually, while Uranus sparks their imagination. These people are the farthest thing from being dummies.

They have keen insight.

It’s up to them to choose their own route.

They’re unable to handle constructive criticism. Never criticise someone without a good cause.

They might develop into outstanding actors.

5 in Cheiro Numerology

It’s a sign that Mercury is the ruler of the natal chart (Budh). Mercury has a positive effect on these people, making them outgoing and happy.

They don’t just daydream; they act on their wildest imaginations.

They think highly of themselves.

People are rude unless they feel valued.

They excel in sports like no else.

According to the sixth Cheiro,

It is said that Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, controls the number six. Venus being their ruling planet, individuals tend toward a focus on material possessions. However, that’s not all! That’s not the whole extent of it.

They have a stunning appearance but are not arrogant enough to think they are better than everyone else.

When it comes to the people they care about, they are very devoted. This quality makes them fantastic romantic partners.

Numeral 7 in the Cheiro Forecast

Seven is Neptune’s lucky number since it is the planet that controls the seas. As a result, they have an insatiable need for knowledge.

For this reason, they go on long journeys, collecting data from all around the world.

Great thinkers and givers, they are.

Their inventiveness and lack of materialism sets them apart.

According to Cheiro Numerology, the number 8 is:

The planet Saturn represents the number eight. These people, like the rest of the world, have a deep appreciation for fairness and karma.

As far as they’re concerned, doing good will only improve their karma.

They believe passionately in all of their beliefs.

They may have world-changing ideas.

Excellent politicians may be expected from them.

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