Thu. Mar 6th, 2025
Solar Eclipse today: Interesting facts about Surya Grahan 2021 - Oneindia  News

Solar eclipse or very commonly known Surya Grahan is considered as a very important event in India.  Scientifically, Solar Eclipses happen when the Earth, Moon and Sun, all come together and stay  positioned in a straight line while moving around in their respective orbital paths. During this time,  the planet Moon completely covers the Sun, which affects the sunrays from entering the surface of  the Earth. In such a state, the sky appears dark as there is no sunlight, and this phenomenon or  happening is titled as Solar Eclipse. 

Mythological Significance of Solar Eclipse 

According to Indian Mythology or Puranas, during Samudra Manthan when the Amrit or Nectar of  Immortality was extracted from the ocean, a war began between the Devas and Asuras since both of  them wanted to consume it. Lord Vishnu intervened and tried to become a mediator to stop the  Devas and Asuras from fighting with each other. He came up with a plan. He disguised himself into a  beautiful woman named Mohini and told both the Devas and Asuras to sit in two different rows and  he will distribute the Amrit among both the groups. Both the groups agreed and the process began.  While Mohini was distributing the Amrit, an Asura named Svarbhanu felt that a game of partiality  was being played in favour of the Devas. He planned a strategy and disguised himself into a Deva. Being disguised as a Deva he went and sat beside them. When Mohini came infront of him, she gave  him the Amrit to drink. But during this, Lord Surya and Lord Chandra revealed his reality by catching  him. 

As soon as this trick played by the Asura Swarbhanu became known to Lord Vishnu, he became  angry and separated his head and the rest of the body with his Sudarshan Chakra. But since  Swarbhanu had tasted the Amrit, he did not die. Instead, his head was named Rahu, and the rest of  his body became Ketu. Since then it is believed that to seek revenge, every year Rahu covers the  Moon and the Sun and causes the phenomenon of Solar Eclipse. 

Do’s and Dont’s during Solar Eclipse as per Astrology 

∙ Men and Women are prohibited to go out of their houses during the eclipse. It is said that  the rays of the sun during a partial solar eclipse turn very harmful during that period. ∙ During full eclipse people are even more prohibited to come out of their houses as the  whole planet turns dark during that period due to the absence of the Sun. 

∙ Pregnant women are advised to be more cautious in their movements during that period.  ∙ People are advised not to cook or have food during that period of eclipse. Preparing and  consumption of food must be completed either before the eclipse or after it. 

Remedies to ward off the malefic effects of Solar Eclipse. 

✔ Recite Lord Surya stories from the Puranas. 

✔ Chant Surya Namaskar Mantra. 

✔ Chant Surya Gayatri Mantra. 

✔ Chant the Aditya Hridayam Stotra.

✔ Consult an experienced Astrologer to check whether the eclipse will cause any malefic effect  in your horoscope and perform remedial acts prescribed by him.

By Deeksha

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