Thu. Mar 6th, 2025
Can Astrology Help A Person To Overcome Depression?

Depression is a state of affair which our minds go through during difficult times in our lives.  Any negative incident or occurrence in our lives can trigger depression and make us pensive.  In medical  terminology,  depression  is  a mood  disorder  that  causes  a  persistent  feeling  of  sadness and loss of interest. In Vedic astrology, depression is regarded as negative form of  thinking and feeling of hypochondria.  

It is the first and foremost onus of an astrologer to give proper counselling to an individual  who is  suffering  from depression apart  from  finding  the  root cause of depression  through  astrological insight and analysis. Depression can be countered through proper analysis of any  problem which an individual is passing through therefore good and experienced astrologers  will always judge the psyche of an individual and then give him or her proper counselling.  

In Vedic astrology, Sun is regarded as indicator of soul and it represents emotions as well as  inner  mood  whereas  Moon  demystifies  our  minds  as  Moon  is  the  significator  of  mind  therefore  our  emotion  or  sentiment  largely  centred-around  Moon.  Mercury  governs  our  neurons  i.e.  entire  nerve  system.  Depression  is  an  unbalance  state  of  thinking  which  can  directly be related to weak nerve. Depression is also related to nervous breakdown. Afflicted  Sun  in  a  horoscope  directly  influences  the  soul  and  affects  it  very  badly  and  negatively.   Similarly afflicted Moon is the causal planet for depression, anxiety and unnecessary worry.  Afflicted Mercury makes nervous system weak and that individual can easily be susceptible  to panic disorder or else anxiety disorder.  

Now dealing with negativity of negative Yogas/Doshas, we can take the inauspicious ‘Gandant  Yoga’ in a horoscope and its negative ramification in one’s life. Gandanta dosa is measured in terms of the Ghatikas. There are a few constellations in which a native takes birth then it can  be  considered as  the  native  is  born with Gandant Yoga. These  constellations are Ashwini,  Aslesha, Jyestha, Mula and Revati.  

Another  negative  Yoga  is  Grahan  Yoga  and  this  Yoga  engulfs  one’s  mind  and  creates  dubiousness and unnecessary anxiety since incendiary Rahu/Ketu and Moon conjunction or  else  Sun  and  Rahu/Ketu  conjunction  create  such  Grahan  Yoga.  It  causes  eclipses  in  one’s  ability and clouds the thinking process of an individual. One may not distinguish properly and  may suffer from excessive mood swing, anxiety and pent-up feelings.  

Vish  Yoga  is  considered  as  one  of  the  negative  Yogas  as  it  directly  affects  one’s  thinking  process and also it can also cause loneliness and one some occasion, it has been observed  that such negative Yoga causes lunacy in an individual. Saturn and Moon conjunction creates  such ominous Yoga in a horoscope.  

Moon’s  conjunction  with  Venus  and  Jupiter  is  considered  as  the  best  conjunction  and  its  conjunction  with  Mars  makes  an  individual  very  hyper  and  irascible  at  times.  Moon  and  Mercury conjunction creates fidgety and unbalanced mindset and on some occasion it makes  an individual precocious. 

Mercury  gives  best  results  when  it  is  in conjunction  with  Sun  within  seven  degree  as  this  creates an auspicious Budha-Aditya Yoga and for certain Lagnas or ascendants, Mercury and  Venus conjunction can be considered as Raj-Yoga as well as Dhana Yoga. When Mercury is  afflicted and associated with Saturn then it can create eunuch.  Mercury when is in conjunct  with  either  Rahu  or  Ketu  then  it  can  cause  nerve  system  weak.  Mercury  and  Jupiter  conjunction is considered as bad one as some school of thoughts say that such combination  causes loss of money and property. 

Sun  is  the  creator  and  ruler  however  when  Sun  is  in  conjunct  with  Mars  then  it  creates  inauspicious Angarak Yoga and it is considered as one of the bad Yogas in Vedic astrology. Sun  and Venus conjunction does not deemed to be auspicious for enjoying unparalleled material  benefits and enjoyment.  

There  are  remedies  available  to  deal effectively  with  the  depression  related  problem  and  these are both astrological and medical. The following astrological remedies will come handy  to address the depression related symptom in an individual.  

• Drink water in silver glass as the water must be kept in any silver glass or container in  the evening and then next day morning the water must be consumed in empty stomach as  this method will appease one’s natal Moon. 

• One  has  to  perform  Pranayam  and  Yoga  regularly  on  control  the  depression  very  effectively.  

• Keeping  fast  on Mondays and  performing  daily meditation  of about  25 minutes  to  assuage the afflicted mind. 

By Deeksha

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