Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Birth Details

Date of Birth: 14th November, 1889
Time of Birth: 23 hours 11 minutes
Place of birth: Allahabad, India

Greatness of Great and most discussed Ascendant

Jawaharlal Nehru was born with the Cancer Ascendant, astrology’s most talked-about Ascendant. This Ascendant is frequently interpreted as the one who carries the diplomacy that a politician requires. According to Ganesha, this Ascendant not only possesses diplomatic qualities that a politician would require for his career, but it also possesses a great deal of receptivity, compassion, flexibility or adjustability, and the ability to understand other people’s problems and feelings because it is the first Watery Element Ascendant. It’s because of this that they are who they are!

Attachment to India – Astrologically

Ganesha would claim that because Nehru’s Moon is in Cancer, he was more dedicated to India as a leader. In India, he had his heart. This provided him a glimpse into the future. He could clearly see his position in India as well as the future of the Indian government. Many people refer to him as diplomatic, believing that he fixed the job of Prime Minister for himself.

For the Nehru family, the next three generations. Ganesha believes that he had a vision for how India should be led after independence, and that Indira Gandhi was also capable of doing so. Ganesha sees nothing diplomatic about it, but in politics, anything is viewed as a diplomatic act that no one can stop!

Kaal Sarp Yoga and Nehru

Kaal Sarp Yoga, another well debated Astrology basic, is reported to be present in Nehru’s horoscope. When all of the planets are between Rahu and Ketu, this Yoga is formed. We later discovered specifics of Ardh Kaal Sarp Yoga, Partial Kaal Sarp Yoga, and other practises that, in Ganesha’s opinion, are useless. There is also a school of thought among astrologers that this Yoga is Kaal Sarp if it is created between Rahu and Ketu, and Kala Sarp if it is made between Ketu and Rahu. Aside from the debates, there is a simple explanation for this.

Sarp Kaal When all of the planets are between Rahu and Ketu, yoga is formed. If Yoga is created, Rahu’s ‘Chhaya Grah’ or’Tamas’ has a detrimental effect on the chart. Rahu represents the mouth, and Ketu represents the tail.

Jupiter is conjunct Ketu in Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth chart. Because Jupiter is at 15 degrees and Ketu is at 12, Ketu will go backward and not cross Jupiter’s degree. More to the point, Rahu does not cross any planet in his chart, hence Kaal Sarp is not formed.

Intellectual Outlook

Jawaharlal Nehru was well-read and knowledgeable about Indian culture, as seen by his well-written book “Discovery of India,” which was serialised by famous director Shyam Benagal.

Nehru has Venus and Mercury conjunct in Libra, aspecting Karma Bhuvan. He had art to show. Things in an artistic and balanced manner Rahu, Uranus, Mercury, and Venus are all in Air Signs. Man with a lot of intellectual capacity who can express himself in a slightly unusual or unconventional way.

Sun Sign Scorpio

The same way that the Cancer Ascendant is frequently misconstrued when only one part of it is considered, the Scorpio sign is said to be prone to such misinterpretation. The Scorpio Sun Sign bestows firmness and a down-to-earth approach, which Nehru possessed. Scorpions, like Taurians, are possessive, but their methods are different. From ‘Quit India’ to his death, Nehru did everything he could to bring stability to India. This Sign also brings with it the gift of affirmation.

Love from Younger ones or Kids

In our country, Nehru Chacha’s birthday is known as ‘Baal Din.’ Ganesha would like to provide some astrological light on this topic. In his chart, there are two major Astrological factors. One is that he was born with the Cancer ascendant, which contains a lot of warmth within it, especially for younger people, who appreciate elders.

Another explanation is the Mercury-Venus conjunction. Mercury is associated with youth and has been given the title of ‘Yuvraaj’ by our ancient Shastras. Mercury’s intimate association with Venus, the planet of love, made him fond of children, and this same conjunction also enabled him to receive comparable responses or love from children, according to Ganesha. Furthermore, Ganesha points out that Mercury is in the second Decant, which means it bears the energy of Libra and Aquarius, both signs. Libra is the sign or house of projection to the outside world, and Aquarius, the Decant in which Mercury is born, is the sign or house of friendship according to the natural zodiac. Because of these two factors, he became known as ‘Bachchhon ke Chacha Nehru.’

Many things can be foretold for his chart but these are most important and may be most hidden aspects of his chart.

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