Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Everything in our world is said to be material. Furthermore, outer space is material since it contains fundamental units of matter such as atoms and molecules. According to psychologists, even our abstract brain processes such as ideas, feelings, and emotions are made up of fundamental structural and functional elements.

The Hindu Religion’s 14 Lokas

What exactly are the 14 Lokas? According to Hindu mythology

In Hindu mythology, there are fourteen realms (not planets) — seven higher worlds (heavens) and seven lower worlds (underworlds). (Earth is regarded as the lowest of the seven higher planets.) The seven Vyahrtis are the higher planets, while the seven Patalas are the lesser worlds. Continue reading to learn more:

The seven Vyahrtis (Heavens or Upperworlds) are as follows:

1 Satya-Loka: The planetary system of Brahma’s Loka or Satya-Loka is not everlasting. Truth’s or Brahma’s abode, where atman is free of the need for reincarnation.

2 Tapa-Loka: The residence of tapas or other deities. Here lives Ayohnija Devadas.

3 Jana-Loka: Home of God Brahma’s sons.

4 Mahar-Loka: The dwelling place of great sages and enlightened beings such as Markendeya and other rishis.

5 Svar-Loka: Indra’s heaven, located between the sun and the pole star. Here live Indra, Devatas, Rishies, Gandharvas, and Apsaras: a celestial paradise of joy where all 330 million Hindu gods (Deva) reside with the monarch of gods, Indra.

6 Bhuvar-Loka (also known as Pitri Loka): Sun, planets, and stars semi-divine entities that inhabit the space between the earth and the sun. The atmosphere and the life force are all genuine regions.

7 Bhur-Loka: According to the Vishnu Purana, the earth is just one among hundreds of billions of inhabited worlds like it in the cosmos.

The 7 Patalas (Hells or Underworlds):

1 Atala-Loka: Atala is controlled by Bala, a mystically gifted son of Maya. Bala invented three varieties of women with one yawn: stairs, who prefer to marry men from their own group, kmis, who marry men from any group, and pupils.

2 Vitala-Loka: Vitala is controlled by the god Hara-Bhava, a form of Shiva who lives as the master of gold mines with attendant ganas such as ghosts and goblins. This realm’s citizens are decorated with gold from this location.

Sutala-Loka is the kingdom of Bali, the pious demon king.

4 Talatala-Loka: Talatala is the domain of the demon-architect Maya, a skilled sorcerer.

5 Mahatala-Loka: Mahatala is the home of the many-hooded Nagas (serpents) — Kadru’s sons, led by the Krodhavasha (Irascible) gang of Kuhaka, Taksshaka, Kaliya, and Sushena. They dwell here in peace with their families, but they are always afraid of Garuda, the eagle-man.

6 Rasatala-Loka: Rastala is the abode of the great yet ruthless demons Danavas and Daityas. They are Devas’ perpetual adversaries (the gods). They dwell like serpents in holes.

7 Patala-Loka: The lowest realm is known as Patala or Nagaloka, and it is controlled by Vasuki. Several Nagas with various hoods reside here. Each of their hoods is adorned with a gem, the light of which illuminates this realm.

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