Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Sharing a zodiac sign with another individual does not necessarily imply that you would feel as though you were separated at birth. Some twins of the zodiac believe that Geminis born in May and Geminis born in June may as well come from separate families. Even though we share the same zodiac sign, the positioning of the planets in our birth charts will differ depending on the day, year, and even minute of our birth. But do the purported distinctions between Geminis born in May and Geminis born in June have any truth in astrological reality? Technically, yes, but the situation is more complex than that.

Our sun signs are simply the cosmic tip of the iceberg when it comes to the personality-forming aspects of our birth charts, therefore it is absurd to assume that all Geminis have identical personalities. Because while practically everyone born between May 21 and June 20 has a Gemini sun and presumably shares Gemini characteristics, their moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and rising signs might differ drastically depending on their specific date and time of birth. There may still be certain underlying Gemini characteristics they share, but there may be significant differences in how they present themselves, express their emotions, pursue relationships, and pursue their objectives.

However, there is another significant feature that might distinguish May Geminis from June Geminis: the idea of decans. Decans refer to the three subdivisions that occur inside each zodiac sign, each of which can alter the outer manifestation of a sign’s vitality. Given that decans are based on degrees, you can determine your sign’s decan by locating the degree of your solar sign in your birth chart. As each zodiac sign covers 30 degrees, the first 10 degrees of a sign correspond to the first decan, the second 10 degrees correspond to the second decan, and the last 10 degrees correspond to the third decan. Since the sun moves around one degree every day, practically all Geminis born in May are first decan Geminis, but most Geminis born in June are either second or third decan Geminis.

Let’s examine the distinctions between May and June Geminis via the prism of decans to gain a more nuanced understanding of the zodiac’s changeable air signs.

May Geminis Exhibit the Most Stereotypical Gemini Characteristics

Gemini is one of the signs that Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, rules. Geminis born in May (also known as first decan Geminis) are completely governed by this planet, whereas those born in June are second or third decan Geminis, meaning that a secondary planet influences how they show their Gemini attributes. Due to the fact that Geminis born in May are totally governed by Mercury, they frequently exhibit many of the zodiac sign’s most well-known talents and faults, such as being chatty, smart, mischievous, and interested about the people and things around them.

  1. June Geminis Are Super Friendship-Oriented

Given that Gemini is one of the zodiac’s talkative air signs, all Geminis are often gregarious individuals. But because June Geminis are born in the sign’s second or third decan (which are co-ruled by the romance planet Venus or the collectivist planet Uranus, respectively), friendships and relationships tend to play a larger role in their lives than they do for Geminis born in May. Venus’ influence naturally heightens June Geminis’ yearning for interpersonal connection, but the eccentric Uranian energies make social groupings, community, and collaboration a major issue for them as well (as Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, the sign of friendships). Expect these twins to attend more social activities and to be more engaged with their group.

  1. Gemini Are More Adaptable in May

As one of the variable zodiac signs, Geminis are renowned for their adaptability and willingness to go with the flow. However, because first decan Geminis (all of whom were born in May) are completely governed by quick-thinking Mercury, they are even more adaptable than the ordinary Gem. These Geminis can readily adjust to changing conditions and are constantly open to modify their minds when fresh information is offered. Although they may be somewhat erratic and difficult to predict, this sign’s exhilarating nature is in part because to their erratic nature.

  1. Gemini in June Are Highly Creative

Geminis seldom struggle to generate new ideas, since these intelligent geniuses are always thinking, learning, and evolving. But because the second and third decan Geminis (all of whom were born in June) had artistic Venus or inventive Uranus as co-rulers, they are frequently much more artistically oriented. These Geminis have either a keen eye (and appreciation) for beauty, art, and visual aesthetics, or a knack for being struck by genius-like inspiration and coming up with radical new ideas; therefore, if you’re looking for someone to help you brainstorm or discuss your creative process, you should seek out these visionary chatterboxes.

  1. Gemini born in May are the best at multitasking.

Gemini is symbolised by the emblem of the twins, which shows their capacity to think, work, and communicate twice as quickly as nearly any other sign. But no one can multitask as smoothly as a Gemini born in May. As first decan Geminis, who are probably bestowed with the greatest portion of Mercury’s intellectual aptitude, these detail-oriented individuals can swiftly assimilate information and multitask (while making it look easy). They feel better when they are able to work on numerous projects at once, since this keeps their extremely busy minds interested and engaged.

  1. June Geminis Concern yourself much with justice

Geminis are absolute sponges when it comes to absorbing new knowledge and facts, thus they are often well-informed and up-to-date on current events. But because the second and third decans of Gemini (all of whom were born in June) are further influenced by Venus, the planet of justice, or Uranus, the planet of community, they tend to be even more enthusiastic about working toward equality and combating societal injustices. Power imbalances irritate these Geminis more than others, thus they will constantly stand out for what they believe to be right and attempt to rectify wrongs committed against others.

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