Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

In Vedic astrology, the Nakshatra has gained a good standing. It is also known as “Lunar Mansions” and is a constellation of stars. Various nakshatras will be mentioned if you scan through old books. Out of the twenty-seven nakshatras, Uttara Bhadrapada is the twenty-sixth. If the moon was in Pisces between 3:20 and 16:40 at the time of your birth, you would have the Uttara Bhadra nakshatra in your birth chart.

The text was translated from Sanskrit. Uttar is a blessing and a last name. Therefore, the latter one who is blessed is the definition of Uttara-Bhadrapada. It denotes pleasure, knowledge, and good fortune.

Astrology of the UttaraBhadra Nakshatra

The Pisces zodiac’s Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra spans the degrees of 3:20 to 16:40. This nakshatra’s inhabitants are joyful people. They are honest, have a strong affection for kids, and have outstanding communication abilities. Saturn, also known as Shani in Hindi, rules this nakshatra, and the god is Ahir Budhya, the dragon of the “depths of the atmosphere.”

The locals are different in their personality. Let’s find out more about the male and female residents of Uttara Bhadrapada!

Male Characteristics of UttaraBhadra Nakshatra

This specific nakshatra’s male inhabitants are particularly compassionate people. They won’t consider someone’s standing, either high or poor, and will treat everyone equally.

Their goal is to make life simpler for everyone around them, not to cause difficulty for others. The male locals do have one flaw, though. They lose their cool occasionally, but it doesn’t last. The locals might become irate and cause serious trouble if someone bothers them for an extended period of time. Because they are tolerant and willing to make sacrifices, this is fairly uncommon.

The male indigenous must never be injured since their rage would make everyone quake in terror.

The male indigenous are quite wise, and they can speak well.

The male natives are unafraid of challenges since they intend to one day reach the stars.

They constantly seek out female company and are sexually charged.

The Professional Life of a Male UttaraBhadra

Although the male residents of the Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra are extremely skilled, they are not always well educated. They firmly believe in self-education, and you may anticipate them to pursue a profession in the fine arts.

They are constantly striving to be at the top. There will be significant ups and downs, but beyond 42 years of age, they are most likely to stabilise.

UttaraBhadra Nakshatra Male’s Family Life

The native men and their father are extremely close. They will esteem the father greatly despite the fact that they won’t receive anything from him. Because the male Indians felt abandoned, childhood would be hard. They could have attended a boarding school for the most of their time away from home.

Sexual compatibility will be laudable, and married life will be enjoyable. The male indigenous find having offspring to be advantageous.

The article Nakshatra Gana: What are the 3 Ganas in Astrology may interest you as well.

Male UttaraBhadra Nakshatra’s Health

Male indigenous will have better health than females. They neglect their health, though, which might result in issues like stomachaches or a paralytic attack. The male locals can live a disease-free life with a healthy lifestyle.

Female Characteristics of UttaraBhadra Nakshatra

The native women make the whole family wealthy. She is referred to be the “lakshmi” of the family for just this reason. Since she is the goddess of riches, the local women also exhibit certain characteristics of Lakshmi. They are socially adept and make good housewives.

The female of the Uttara Bhadra nakshatra is adaptable and neutral in any situation.

The Profession Of Female Natives Of UttaraBhadra Nakshatra

This nakshatra’s female inhabitants will prosper financially and socially. They put forth a lot of effort, and their futures include a lot of travel. However, the native women can make good housewives, so they also have that choice.

UttaraBhadra Nakshatra Female’s Family Life

They are highly well-liked both at home and at work. The female locals will significantly increase her family’s lakshmi (wealth).

Female UttaraBhadra Nakshatra’s Health

The locals are more susceptible to specific types of bone discomfort. Expect indigestion and uncomfortable menstruation cramps as well.

UttaraBhadra Nakshatra’s Padas

There are four padas, and Pisces is the rasi for the Uttara Bhadrapada.

It belongs to the Leo Navamsa, Pada 1. The Sun is in charge of this nakshatra. Both men and women who are natives are informed and goal-oriented.

Pada 2: The Virgo navamsa governs the second pada. Mercury is the planet that rules. There will be a lot of back-end labour for the indigenous to do.

Pada 3: The Libra Navamsa is represented by the third pada. Venus is the planet that rules. Both men and women who are indigenous are sensible and goal-oriented.

Pada 4: The navamsa for the fourth pada is Scorpio. Mars is the planetary ruler. The locals have supernatural and mystic beliefs.

Predictions for Meen Rashi Uttara Bhadra Nakshatra in 2021

The nakshatra is ruled by the planet Saturn, also known as Shani, and the sign Pisces. There will be both happiness and despair in 2021, therefore it will be a mixed bag.

Beginning in 2021 will be advantageous, and there is a possibility of receiving complete financial help as well. Some locals, both men and women, may change jobs.

To see what’s in store for you, glance at the favourable and unfavourable months:

Favorable: January, May, November, and August 2021. 

Unfavorable: April, March, December, and September 2021.

Stagnant: February, July, June, and October 2021. 

UttaraBhadra Interesting Facts 

Meaning: Latter and auspicious 

Lord: Saturn/Shani 

Symbol: Funeral cot/back legs 

Deity: Ahit Budhya 

Gana: Manushya 

Rashi: Pisces 

Marriage: Auspicious 

Ruling deity Saturn: Hanuman 

Number: 26 

Lucky color: Purple 

Lucky number: 8 

Guna: Tamasic 

Dosha: Pitta

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