Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi, one of India’s most charismatic Prime Ministers, was a reluctant politician. When his mother, the late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India, was assassinated in 1984, he was unknowingly pushed into this role. The nation was shaken by the catastrophe, and the young, well-trained commercial pilot, who had never wanted to be a part of politics, was tasked with filling his mother’s enormous shoes. Rajiv Gandhi, a soft-spoken man with a friendly smile, was then elected Prime Minister of India.

Despite disputes and criticism, he continued to rule the country until he was gorily taken away by the merciless powers behind his untimely death in a suicide bomber-led explosion in May 1991, at the promising age of 47.

Rajiv Gandhi may have fallen from grace during his stint as Indian Prime Minister, shadowed by the Bofors affair, but he was much adored, and his death brought the entire country to a heart-wrenching halt. What happened to bring such a magnificent existence to a tragic end? What cosmic forces drove Mr. Gandhi into the political whirlwind, which he had vowed to avoid?

Rajiv Gandhi
Date of Birth :- 20th August 1944
Time of Birth :- 08.11 am
Place of Birth :- Mumbai

Astrological Predictions :-

  • Rajiv Gandhi was born with a Leo Ascendant and the Lord of his Ascendant – the Sun – is placed in its own sign with planets Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Mercury in his Natal Chart.
  • Jupiter placed in Ascendant House is a good sign, and it can be held responsible for giving Rajiv Gandhi – popularity, magnanimity, truthfulness and a sweet spoken personality.
  • Venus placed in the Ascendant House bestowed Mr. Gandhi with reverence and public love, due to his polite speech and loving attitude towards people. This planetary factor may also be held responsible, behind Mr. Gandhi’s stable and imaginative frame of mind.
  • The Lord of the 9th House in Mr. Gandhi’s Chart is placed in the 2nd House – this gave him the luck, fame and wealth with which he was born. This planetary aspect is considered very fortunate, and makes a person talented, scholarly and popular.
  • Uranus is placed in the 10th House in Mr. Gandhi’s Chart. This aspect is known to cause sudden work related changes, which happened in the case of the late PM’s case.
  • Ganesha also looked at the picture involving transiting planets at the time of late Indira Gandhi’s death. He reads that around 31/10/1984, Rahu was transiting over the Natal Uranus in Rajiv Gandhi’s 10th House, while Uranus was transiting through his 4th House. The degreecal opposition of Uranus and Uranus changed Rajiv Gandhi’s course of life with such a forceful intensity, and let to him becoming the PM of India under such tumultuous circumstances.
  • Between 01/01/1987 to 07/11/1989, the Major period of Rahu and Sub period of Saturn were in operation in Mr. Gandhi’s Horoscope. This is known to be a planetary combination full of struggle and strife. Rightfully, these were some of the most troubled periods in Rajiv Gandhi’s political career. Rajiv Gandhi, as the PM of India, was mired in controversy, the country reeled under the shock of the Bhopal Gas disaster, and there was the Shah Bano case in 1988. Intervening and then sending the Indian Peace Keeping Force troops to Sri lanka in 1987 was a build up to Rajiv’s brutal death later. Around the same time, the Bofors Scandal took face, and damaged Rajiv’s corruption free image, which later resulted in a major defeat for his party in the 1989 general elections.
  • On 21st May, 1991, the Lord of House of Mystery in Rajiv Gandhi’s Horoscope – Jupiter – was transiting in his 12th House over his Natal Rahu, in a degreecal opposition to Saturn that was, at the time, transiting through his 6th House. And, the planet of force – Mars was degreecally transiting over Mr. Gandhi’s Natal Rahu. This is indicative of a brutal, shocking, life threatening incident, a war or bloodshed, as all the strong planets are involved. This was the day Rajiv Gandhi was brutally killed in a suicide bomber attack, carried on by LTTE.

Little is left to say, when such incidents take place. May Rajiv Gandhi’s soul rest in peace, and may his glory eternally enchant people, wishes Ganesha on the late Indian PM’s 71st birthday.

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