Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Rahu has a notorious image. However, a strong Rahu in 10th house is a blessing. Natives with Rahu in 10th house in navamsa chart have nothing to fear – success over enemies and court cases are guaranteed benefits. These people are fearless in the face of problems and nothing can beat their streak of luck starting from the 21st year of their lives. 

Agitated or malefic Rahu in 10th house reaps opposite results. It’s a matter of concern since the planet can push the natives into addictions and bad company. 

Similarly, there are many secrets about Rahu in 10th house wealth, Rahu in 10th house career, and Rahu in 10th house health that the natives want to know about. 

If you have this placement in your birth chart, this guide will take you through all the positive and negative effects that Rahu will cast on your life. Dive in for the details! 

3 Positive Effects of Rahu in 10th House 

A strong Rahu in 10th house in Kundli brings fame that’s unbeatable. Whatever unfulfilled wishes the natives might have had in their previous lives, Rahu fulfills those desires in their current lives. 

The Natives are Mentally Strong 

There’s no denying that positive Rahu in 10th house makes the natives very diplomatic. However, it works in their favor. They easily influence others and get their work done either by hook or by crook. 

The natives with favorable Rahu in 10th house are not scared of challenges. Facing enemies and destroying them attracts these people. Attaining success gives them such a kick that they don’t rest until they become powerful. 

The Natives are Extremely Influential 

These people desire power and that’s what they achieve. Their stroke of luck starts when they turn 21 years old and continues until they turn 36 years old. By that time, Rahu in 10th house natives have already gained power. 

  1. They have very strong political connections and liaisons with rich businesspersons and government officials. 
  2. They work towards attaining a powerful position in society single-mindedly.

The Natives are Wealthy 

People with Rahu in tenth house in navamsa chart become very rich. Whether or not they are born into rich families, they end up earning a lot of money in life. 

  1. The natives have an immense passion for foreign countries. 
  2. They own imported vehicles and get the leisure of many servants. 

The natives also get the pleasure of intimacy with very attractive people. Their sex life is very intense. It keeps them satisfied in every way.

4 Negative Effects of Rahu in 10th House 

The Natives Have a Disturbed Family Life 

Unfavorable Rahu in 10th house is very bad for the family life of the natives – they have strained relationships with their fathers. 

  1. The chances of the death of parents when the natives are still young are very high.
  2. The relationship of Rahu in 10th house natives is very stressful with their fathers. 
  3. The natives crave for authority. Hence, they rebel against their fathers and try to dominate their parents. 
  4. There’s a high probability that somebody in their family will be assaulted. 

The Health of the Entire Family is Affected 

Unfavorable Rahu in 10th house affects the health of the entire family of the natives. 

The health of parents is a major issue. The father and mother are always ailing. There are chances that the sons of the natives will be very unhappy.

As for the natives, they suffer from gastrointestinal problems. The chances of serious accidents are also high. 

The Natives Become Egoistic

Pride is the destruction of the natives when Rahu becomes unfavorable. The natives look down upon everybody, even their friends and relatives. 

  1. The natives earn wealth through illegal means that, later on, land them in serious legal troubles. 
  2. Rahu in 10th house natives are jealous of the success of other people. 
  3. They become so short-tempered that they might even resort to violence. 

The Natives Fall In Bad Company 

Everything that’s harmful will attract the natives with unfavorable Rahu in 10th house. 

The natives become obsessed with sex and drugs. They easily fall into the abyss of gambling that might destroy the money they earn. 

Agitated Rahu in 10th house also pushes the natives towards developing sexual relationships outside of their marriage

Rahu in 10th House Career – What are the Best Jobs for the Natives? 

Favorable Rahu in 10th house in Kundli opens the gates of success in many fields for the natives. Since the natives are manipulative and diplomatic, they can be very successful politicians, world leaders, and CEOs of prestigious companies. 

They have a special love for art. Hence, Rahu in 10th house natives can also attain success as actors, creative writers, and poets

Their quest to attain power also helps them attain powerful positions in the government sector. The natives can be police personnel and high-rank officials in the army

Rahu in 10th house also drives the natives towards a successful career in railways, banks, the stock market, and journalism.

These people attain recognition for their work and the chances that they’ll earn public honor and awards in the 42nd year of their lives is also a possibility. 

One of the negatives of Rahu in 10th house is that the natives are obsessed with their professional life. They might chase money and success so passionately that they fail to enjoy life. Only when Mercury occupies the 10th house with Rahu that the natives also start enjoying the gains of wealth and power that they earn. 

Concluding Thoughts:

Positive Rahu in 10th house brings power, recognition, wealth, and fame. Despite the fact that the natives can do illegal activities to earn fame, when Rahu is favorable, the natives aren’t caught. 

When unfavorable, Rahu in 10th house is a nuisance. It wipes off wealth and fame. It also confuses the natives that make them very irritated. The health of the family is also in the line of fire. 

If you’ve been facing troubles and you have Rahu in 10th house, do seek the help of an astrologer. It’s important to calm down the rage of agitated (negative) Rahu in 10th house. Only an astrologer can suggest correct Rahu in 10th house remedies so that you can lead a good life.

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