Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Rajju Porutham

A birth chart has a total of 10 poruthams. The rajju porutham is the sixth of the ten poruthams. When a marriage is under jeopardy, it is crucial.

The rajju porutham of the boy and the girl should be thoroughly analysed during Kundli matching, according to Vedic astrology (guna Milan).

Rajju Porutham predicts the husband’s lifespan. If mishandled throughout the dating process, the husband can pass away soon after the wedding. When a Kundli is being matched, there are several other components of rajju porutham that one should be aware of. This is the reason we created this manual. So let’s get started and examine each aspect of rajju porutham one by one.

Rajju Porutham’s Classification

According to the stars in the birth chart, Rajju Porutham is most accurately represented. When reading the rajju porutham, the stars of the boy and girl match. It is split into five sections. Each component represents a distinct bodily part. Specific stars in each of the five sections have an immediate effect on the body.

The Rajju Porutham in 5 Parts

For easier comprehension, the rajju porutham is divided into the following 5 sections.

  • Shiro Rajju is a symbol for the head. Shiro Rajju is made up of the nakshatras Chitra, Mirgasira, and Dhanishta.
  • The throat is represented by Kantha Rajju. Rohini, Ardra, Swati, Sravana, Hasta, and Satabisha are the six nakshatras that make up Kantha Rajju.
  • Nabhi Rajju: This symbolises the torso (middle portion of the body). Nabhi rajju is comprised of the following six nakshatras: Uttara, Punarvasu, Visaka, Purvabadra, Krithika, and Uttrashada.
  • The Thighs are represented by Kati Rajju. The seven nakshatras of Pushya, Purva, Bharani, Uttarabadra, Phalguni, Anuradha, and Purvashada combine to form Kati Rajju.
  • Pada Rajju is a symbol for the feet. Aswini, Jyeshta, Aslesha, Moola, Revati, and Magha are the six nakshatras that make up Pada Rajju.

How to Match The Boy’s and Girl’s Rajju Porutham

By this point, it should be obvious that Rajju Porutham believes the human body is split into five sections. The stars have an impact on all of those areas. Astrologers can determine the star positions by matching the Rajju Porutham of the girl and boy.

The male and girl’s Rajju Porutham stars shouldn’t be from the same group.

It is a mismatch if the stars of the prospective bride and prospective husband are in the same group.

You might also be interested in reading The Importance of 36 Gunas for a Successful Marriage in Vedic Astrology.

Rajju Porutham Interpretation in Married Life

Each of the 5 Rajjus is compared when the Kundli is matched. There may be problems in a marriage if even one of the five is out of sync. The following are the impacts of several Rajju Poruthams in marriage.

Effects of Shiro Rajju Mismatch

In accordance with Vedic astrology, a mismatched Shiro rajju portends the husband’s untimely demise shortly after the marriage.

Effects of Kantha Rajju Mismatch

According to Vedic astrology, if a couple’s Kantha rajju does not match, the wife will pass away very quickly after the marriage.

Effects of Nabhi Rajju Mismatch

Nabhi Rajju’s mismatch predicts that the offspring won’t live long.

Effects of Kati Rajju Mismatch

Extreme poverty and excessive debt are indicators of a mismatched couple’s kati rajju.

Effects of Pada Rajju Mismatch

If this match is incorrect, it portends severe foot wounds.

Rajju Porutham Mismatch Solutions

In the event that any of the five Rajju Poruthams do not match, the first thing that may be done is to avoid being married. However, astrology only offers one solution if you continue to do it, i.e. Making Lord Hanuman happy.

Only Lord Hanuman is said to be able to lessen the negative effects of stars and nakshatras among all of Hinduism’s deities. Here are a few sensible methods to go about it.

  • Recite the Hanuman Chalisa everyday.
  • Feed the monkeys chana and jaggery.
  • Feed the hungry and destitute every Tuesday by going to a Hanuman temple.

Understand the critical role of Rajju Porutham in marriage by consulting our expert Vedic astrologers for a complete guide on its importance.

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