Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain was the eldest of eleven children born to a textile merchant in Kuchwada, a tiny hamlet in the Narsinghpur District of Madhya Pradesh, India. He was a spiritual teacher from India who resided in a number of places, including the United States. He still has a sizable following. In this piece, Ganesha examines his life in depth.

Osho Rajneesh was born with Taurus as his ascendant on December 11th, 1931. Venus, the Lord of the Ascendant, is in the 8th house of occultism, with Mercury, the Lord of the 2nd house of speech (signifier of logic and intelligence), who has delivered divine discourse with great reasoning. He was a clever and intellectual individual.

We observed that the lord of the 4th house of education, the Sun, is in the star of Mercury, and the depositor of the Sun, Mars, is in the 8th house with Mercury and Venus. Osho Rajneesh received his B.A. in philosophy from D.N. Jain college in Jabalpur as a result of this planetary configuration. He received First Class Honors in his M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Sagar. The lord of the 6th house of competition, Venus, is in the star of Venus in his chart. This is why he received a Gold Medal in the All-India Debating Championship during his graduation. He was a defiant yet talented student.

Accordingly, the lord of the 10th house of profession, Saturn, is located in Sagittarius and is Vartottami in Osho Rajneesh’s horoscope. Jupiter, Saturn’s depositor, is in the sign of Cancer. In 1957, he was hired as a lecturer at Sanskrit College in Raipur as a result of his planetary status. During this time, transiting Jupiter was in the 6th house of employment, forming a trine with the 10th house of career.

Osho Rajneesh taught at a university for nine years before leaving in 1966 to launch ten-day meditation programs. Psychotherapists, medical practitioners, professors, and other professionals all around the world have employed his meditation approach.

Osho Rajneesh began initiating seekers into Neo-Sannyas, or discipleship, a path of self-discovery and meditation. When four or more planets are arranged in one house, a person is said to be Sanyasi, according to Phaladeepika. The Stellium of Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, and Moon is situated in the 8th house in Osho Rajneesh’s horoscope, establishing Sanyas Yoga. Venus, the Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the 2nd House of Finance, is in the same sign as Saturn, the Yogakaraka Planet and Lord of the 9th House of Luck and Long Distance Travel. He had visited a number of nations.

Transiting Jupiter was in the second house, or Marak house. Furthermore, transiting Saturn was in Sagittarius throughout the second week of January. Osho Rajneesh’s body began to deteriorate, and he was so frail that he was unable to attend the Gautama the Buddha Auditorium. On January 19, 1990, between 5 and 7 p.m., Osho Rajneesh exited his body.

Three hundred years ago, the great mystic Nostradamus said that the teacher, the one who will bring this huge shift, will be born in Asia. His followers will wear red clothing, and he will travel far and wide in his quest to alleviate humanity’s suffering and bring peace to the planet. His symbol will be flying birds, and his name will be Rajneesh Chandra Mohan – the Lord of the Moon, which fits perfectly with Osho Rajneesh. He will come from the East, he will be arrested, and his commune will be destroyed. His name will mean moon, and Osho’s real name is Rajneesh Chandra Mohan – the Lord of the Moon, which fits perfectly with Osho Rajneesh.

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