Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025
Pisces Zodiac Sign

Your sun sign can shed light on your individual characteristics, and your zodiac sign’s planetary ruler is what gives it its distinct advantage. Each planet contains a particular kind of energy that has an effect on the zodiac sign it rules. Two planetary lords are responsible for the water sign’s innate tendency for imagination and often careless optimism in the case of creative and intensely passionate Pisces. While Neptune controls Pisces in contemporary astrology, Jupiter rules Pisces in classical astrology. The changeable sign’s remarkable inventiveness and unrivalled intuition are a result of the combination of these co-ruling planets.

According to astrologer Julia Bray, “[Neptune is] a mystical planet that feeds our reveries, challenges us to spend more time vibing than doing, and gives us an existential dosage of considering our cosmos.” In contrast, Jupiter is associated with luck, wisdom, and spirituality.

Neptune is only acknowledged in contemporary astrology since traditional astrology only considers the seven celestial bodies that can be seen with the unaided eye, which are the sun, moon, and planets through Jupiter.

Jupiter, the upbeat planet that gives these signs their cheerful attitude on life, rules Pisces and Sagittarius in traditional astrology. When it comes to its contemporary ruler, Neptune, which oversees things like spirituality, it gives the imaginative Pisces a little bit of a transcendental flare.

Understanding Neptune and Jupiter may help you make sense of the rest of your birth chart, whether you’re a Pisces or just want to learn more about its co-ruling planets. Learn more about the planetary rulers of Pisces by reading on.

The Planet Neptune, the Ruler of Pisces

The most distant planet in the solar system, Neptune was discovered in 1846. Neptune rules everything related to the spiritual realm in astrology, including psychic abilities, intuition, and dreams. This explains why these fantastical zodiac signs are known for having imaginative, often deluded, tendencies. Neptune is the deity of freshwater in Roman mythology, which is appropriate given that the fish is the emblem of the water sign.

In order to receive spiritual blessings, guidance, and the out-of-this-world experience of ecstatic oneness with all of life itself, Neptune can assist us in dissolving our human self into the greater consciousness of the universe, according to Bray. Neptune is more interested in dream time than reality. “I usually refer to it as the’spiritual trident of the solar system,’ and it magnifies our sensitivity and psychic talents wherever it is located in our chart. Neptune’s influence has the potential to encourage attachments to the dream state that often end in addictive, escapist fantasies if there is no awareness of it or a desire to remain anchored in reality.

The emotional water sign gets to spend much of their time frolicking in a daydream or exploring the supernatural world since Neptune has substantially shorter days than earth does (it only takes 16 hours to completely revolve). Due to the illusion and unrealistic methods of thinking that the chilly giant is known for, when Neptune turns retrograde, you experience cloudiness and overall disorientation.

Pisces Under Neptune’s Influence

Neptune’s association with the paranormal makes it understandable why the transcendental Pisces finds realism to be too constricting. Pisces have trouble thinking critically about their emotions or circumstances because of the chilly giant’s sometimes irrational worldview, which keeps them always engrossed in fantasy. Because of this, dishonesty and other darker facets of the brain make up Pisces’ shadow qualities. Neptune’s key to the spiritual world, on the other hand, grants Pisces zodiac signs the ability to see beyond the terrestrial level.

According to Bray, Neptune bestows Pisces with its extremely perceptive and empathetic traits, strengthening this zodiac sign’s spiritual potency and often overpowering emotional experience. Piscean folks have a profoundly psychedelic psychological world of emotions, dreams, visions, sensations, and creativity because to this dreamy planet.

But since Neptune is linked to the spiritual realm, it’s natural for Pisces to sometimes lose touch with reality. To deal with the immensity of awareness, “Pisces has to learn how to channel their emotions in healthy ways, or else they run the danger of dissociating and leaving their earthly body while floating to a dream world,” says Bray.

About Jupiter, the Traditional Ruling Planet of Pisces

Jupiter was appropriately called after the mythical Roman “King of the Gods.” This planet appropriately governs riches, prosperity, and fortune in astrology. In conventional astrology, auspicious Jupiter is referred to as a “Benefic” planet and is associated with development and education, encouraging continuous improvement and a desire for knowledge.

Jupiter, the greatest planet in our solar system, is described by Bray as a cosmic force of expansion, pleasure, and good fortune. “Wherever it is located in our chart, it may help us comprehend the natural blessings we have and ways we can take chances to share our richness. It reflects our ability to believe in ourselves and the world. Jupiter effortlessly reminds us that there is wealth in the cosmos and assists us in adjusting our beliefs to the optimism and comfort this planet brings.

Pisces and Jupiter’s Influence

Pisces zodiac signs are fortunate to have Jupiter’s ever-expanding knowledge and share a desire for something more, much like Sagittarius, famed for its optimistic outlook on life. Jupiter offers Pisces the adaptability they need to fit into many environments, although Jupiter’s impact on Pisces is mostly focused on their worldview.

“Jupiter gives Pisces’ faith a larger-than-life character, pushing their aspirations to the limit and beyond. Jupiter’s amplification may sometimes accentuate or heighten Pisces’ emotions, increasing their sensitivity and often causing them to feel overwhelmed. Bigger isn’t necessarily better, Pisces, so long as it can be rooted in compassionate service to the self and others, according to Bray.

Pisces zodiac signs are often at ease in the spiritual world, even if others don’t understand, which is no surprise given that Neptune sprinkles enchantment into the Pisces demeanour and Jupiter infuses the water sign with a dash of hope.

Learn why Neptune is so important for Pisces. Talk to our expert astrologers today and discover all about the ruling planet!

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