Wed. Mar 5th, 2025
Saturn In 5th House Love, Career, Marriage, Finance, Education, Family

SATURN’s influence on 5 th house 

5 th house indicates Love , intelligence,child etc… today discuss about  Sat influence on love and intelligence part..

                  influence on love section .

* If sat is placed , aspects and Connected with 5 th house.. firstly Native can understand deep practical meaning of love life…sat experiences that person stern realities and unexpected result of love life..

* Sometimes gaining and losses shows..if sat is favourable…then after hindrance , sadness , Native actually gets or fulfills wishes..and makes a person strong.

               Afflicted sat , Specially Connection with Rahu, may get cheated or break up faces…also overall vary ofcourse.

            Influence on intelligence

Sat is a king of materialistic Connection with 5 th, sat makes person materialistic minded… strong and favorable sat makes person more materialistic.. prob is sometimes Native not enjoy whole heartedly.

Fav sat provide good intelligence and if  afflicted imbecility or insensibility over intelligence..

This is a general idea as usual.

By Deeksha

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