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Do you have a basic understanding of astrology? If you’re at all familiar with it, you’re probably aware of the Zodiac’s 12 signs. Have you heard of the sister sign of the zodiac? So there you have it! Have you ever thought of someone as your soul-sister because you felt so connected to them? It is said that the sister sign of the zodiac can sometimes emerge in your real sibling or acquaintance. Sister signs have certain characteristics in common.

What exactly are Zodiac Sister Signs?

Sisters are the opposing and precise polarity of signs, such as the first and seventh, the second and eighth, the third and ninth, and so on. Furthermore, these signs have the same astrological modality (Cardinal, fixed, or mutable) and elements, namely air, earth, water, and fire. These indications are likely to complement each other nicely since they are in perfect harmony.

           Zodiac Sign                                                      Zodiac Sister Sign

  1.  Aries                                                                 Libra
  2. Taurus                                                               Scorpio
  3. Gemini                                                              Sagittarius
  4. Cancer                                                              Capricorn  
  5. Leo                                                                    Aquarius
  6. Virgo                                                                 Pisces
  7. Libra                                                                  Aries
  8. Scorpio                                                             Taurus
  9. Sagittarius                                                        Gemini                                                     
  10. Capricorn                                                          Cancer
  11. Aquarius                                                            Leo
  12. Pisces                                                               Virgo         

Libra And Aries Sister Signs

Aries: Cardinal-Fire Sign, First Zodiac

Libra: Cardinal-Air Sign, 7th Zodiac          

Mars, the planet of anger and activity, rules Aries, while Venus, the planet of love, rules Libra. The combination of these dominating planets makes these locals achievers. This sister sign, on the other hand, has some distinct characteristics. Aries is impulsive and will choose battles at any time, but Libra is calm and will avoid conflict at all costs. Besides that, these residents have several characteristics that might make them a wonderful sister Zodiac sign duo. As starting cardinal signs, they are equally enthusiastic about beginning large-scale enterprises.

The impulsive Aries may help the indecisive Libra come to a swift conclusion by making good selections based on their own intuitions and senses. But on the other side, the Moderate and Serene Libra may educate Aries on how to deal with any bad circumstance with kindness rather than aggression.

Despite their opposing personality features, Aries and Libra manage to form a dynamic, unbeatable, and strong team.

Scorpio and Taurus Zodiac Sister

Taurus is the Zodiac’s second fixed-earth sign.

Scorpio is the eighth and last fixed-water sign. 

Taurus and Scorpio are renowned as the obstinate signs of the Zodiac because they are fixed signs. These signals will not pull back and will not back down. They are constantly dedicated to making things really work, and that is why they are an ideal fit for any valuable end relationship.

Taurus is an exciting sign that is continually enthralled by the beauty of nature and life. They choose a pleasant and carefree lifestyle because they live each day to the utmost. Although Scorpios strive to make the most of their lives, they do it from a unique viewpoint.

Zodiac Sisters Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini is the third air sign.

Sagittarius, the ninth sign, is a changeable fire sign.

Gemini enjoys unraveling life’s riddles. Their curious curiosity drives them to uncover everything by knowing more about global challenges. They enjoy preserving information and expertise. Since they only wind up with a trove of odd knowledge, they’ll be content. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is completely committed to finding out these random realities of life. They would rather find solutions to many unanswered questions in life than gather information for the sake of gathering knowledge.

Overall, Gemini and Aries complement each other well since they are both eager to learn new things. This causes individuals to see things in a different light each time. Overall, Gemini and Aries complement each other well since they are both eager to learn new things. This causes individuals to see things in a different light each time.

Capricorn and Cancer Sisters of Zodiac

Cancer is the fourth and last cardinal water sign.

Capricorn is the tenth and last cardinal earth sign.

Cancerians are sensitive water signs with compassionate and caring personalities. Without realizing it, they have tremendous caring instincts. This indigenous’ intuitive nature allows them to be there for you anytime you need someone to weep on.

Capricorns are compassionate and kind by nature, but they are not for everyone. They only care for people when they have a deep affection for them; otherwise, they merely feel obligated to look after others. They can also offer you a powerful kick to get you moving in the correct way.

These indicators may demonstrate caring in a variety of ways, but one thing is certain: they will never let you fall.

Aquarius and Leo Sisters of Zodiac

Leo is the fixed-fire fifth sign.

Aquarius is the twelfth fixed-air sign of the zodiac.

Leo is dominated by the Sun, thus its inhabitants are always in the limelight. Aquarius, on the other hand, is dominated by Saturn, who makes its inhabitants smart and focused.

Aquarius’ calm, stoic exterior and devotion to the community will collide head-on with Leo’s individuality and desire to be proud and boisterous. If they work together, they will find that their abilities and viewpoints complement each other. They have a lot in common since they are both obstinate (or fixed) signs that believe that their method is the best.

Pisces and Virgo Sisters of the Zodiac

Virgo is the sixth, mutable-earth sign.

Pisces is the twelfth mutable-water sign.

Virgos love honesty and integrity because they are realistic. Reality and facts are the foundation of their entire existence, thus they must keep searching until they uncover what is true. Their knowledge and level-headedness are also assets.

Pisces has a more dreamy personality than its Virgo sister sign. They are almost certainly unfounded in reality. Despite their otherworldly nature, their ability to perceive things differently than Virgo makes them the ideal mate.

The Zodiac sisters Virgo and Pisces have a special affinity. Their open-mindedness allows them to converse freely with one another.

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