Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

There are probably one or two zodiac signs that immediately come to mind when you think about which zodiac signs are most likely to cheat. Sorry about that, Gemini. The truth is that every zodiac sign has its fair share of liars. However, some zodiac signs are more prone to cheat than others, and some may even go to great lengths to avoid being detected.

“We all have different demands in a relationship, but for some individuals, faithfulness is the most important thing,” astrologer Cindy Mckean tells Bustle. “Because we can’t control who we fall in love with, we sometimes fall in love with those who are unfaithful.”

Knowing the fundamentals of each sign is crucial to comprehend why some signs deceive more frequently than others. There are three “primary modalities” in the zodiac, or ways to experience, express or approach a zodiac sign’s traits. Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are the four cardinal signs, and they favor initiative. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are fixed signs that prefer to maintain the status quo, while Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are mutable signs who are more flexible.

Because of this, fixed signs are far more likely than everyone else to be faithful in their relationships. “These are indications that people generally dislike change. Stability is one of their primary functions in life “Mckean declares.

1) Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Mars, the planet of action, violence, and sexuality, rules fiery Aries. According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, “this is one sign that has an extraordinarily high sex drive, but also has a tendency to get bored rapidly.” “Their companion must be alert to keep them from looking elsewhere.” Aries signs fall in love quickly but can also fall out of love rapidly. If their spouse no longer appears to be new and exciting, they may be tempted to seek other options.

2) Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

It shouldn’t be a surprise that Gemini is the sign in the zodiac that cheats the most often out of all the signs. You need to be aware of at least two aspects of their personality because they are represented by the duality of the twins. Gemini is also a changeable sign. These are the indicators, according to Monahan, “that tend to be more malleable and susceptible to suggestion and desire.” Gemini might be one of the worst offenders for cheating because it is a mutable air sign. You never quite know what you’re getting into with a Gemini because of their constant need for stimulation and propensity for growing bored in relationships.

3) Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Being ruled by Venus, the sign of Libra is the consummate romantic and is very relationship-oriented. Despite being a chatty sociable creature, Mckean claims that Libras are pacifists and nature lovers. Since scales are their emblem, they place a high value on balance, which includes establishing healthy relationships. A Libra who cheats is doing so to gain what they feel they aren’t getting from their relationship partner. Even though they will feel terrible about cheating, they will try their hardest to keep it from you to maintain harmony.

4) Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Although Scorpio is one of the most devoted signs, Mckean notes that if they do cheat, they are inclined to cover it up. That’s because a Scorpio’s instinct is to keep secrets. However, she claims that when it comes to infidelity in a relationship, a Scorpio will frequently roam for far deeper reasons. Even if there is never a legitimate reason to cheat, a typical faithful Scorpio will do so because of significant emotional distance or wounds. According to Mckean, some Scorpios might even like the dangers of a “clandestine romance since they receive a rush from keeping such a controversy deeply hidden.”

5) Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The fish of the zodiac is a strong supporter of soulmate relationships. Scorpio is one sign that they might feel a strong soulmate-like pull toward. They would probably cheat with a fellow water sign, according to Monahan. She claims that Scorpio enjoys the fantasies of Pisces. These two will ultimately have a sexual relationship that begins as an emotional one.

They are more inclined to cheat on someone under the sign of Aquarius. The airy water bearer tends to be distant in relationships, respects their freedom and is independent. While Pisces feels things strongly and seeks to express them fully, Aquarius rationalizes emotions. It helps them develop a bond with their companion.

You shouldn’t be concerned if you’re dating any of the above “cheater indications.” Just because they’re notorious for infidelity doesn’t mean your partner will cheat at some point. There are numerous more aspects that influence whether or not a person will cheat. When it comes to astrology, certain people’s natal charts may contain other features that can potentially counterbalance the cheating influence of their Sun sign. But, in the end, anybody is capable of cheating. It makes no difference what sign you are. Gemini, Scorpio, Libra, Pisces, and Aries are just a few of the signs who are more inclined to do it and try to conceal it.

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