Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

The tarot is a potent instrument to boost your intuition, regardless of whether you’re an experienced witch or a complete newcomer to mysticism. Tarot reading is used to get answers to your most important life concerns, such as when you’re facing a job decision or having issues with a buddy. Each card is imbued with a special energy that can convey specific messages or provide a fresh viewpoint on your circumstances. Although you don’t need to be an expert to utilise tarot, it is crucial to understand the meanings of all 78 of the cards in order to get the most out of your reading.

According to Erin River Sunday, a tarot reader and astrologer with Birthdate Co., “most readers interpret tarot cards using a mix of knowledge and intuition along with the card’s picture.” However, many of the tarot interpretations employed today stem from the pictures in the Rider-Waite deck, often known as the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which was released in 1909. Tarot divination began in Romani cultural traditions during the Renaissance.

Your intuition is quite important while trying to interpret the different meanings of each card, in addition to understanding the fundamental drift of each card. As you shuffle your cards, pay attention to your feelings and thoughts, and consider the associations you have with the images on each card you pick. The layout, or the way they are drawn, might be as complex as a 10-card Celtic layout or as straightforward as a three-card or even a single pull. Sunday advises drawing one card every day and asking yourself questions such, “Where should I pour my concentration into today? “, “How does the energy feel right now? It will be simple to decipher what each card is attempting to tell you if you have a general knowledge of the symbolism that underlies them.

Tarot Card Meanings for the Major and Minor Arcana

The major and minor arcana are the two halves of a tarot deck. The Fool’s Journey through the Tarot is portrayed by the 22 main arcana cards. They stand for universal themes and life lessons, such as coming to a fork in the road or having faith in one’s own talents. For instance, if you draw the Lovers from the major arcana, you can consider themes of togetherness and balance, but it can also signify having a choice. When a card from the major arcana appears in your reading, it always conveys a crucial message.

The 56 cards that make up the minor arcana set are used to symbolise lesser, more commonplace topics in life. There are four suits, each with 14 cards, and they are organised identically to a standard deck of cards. Each suit starts with an ace, then moves on to cards 2 through 10, then four face cards or court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. You may better comprehend a card’s mood by knowing how each of the minor arcana’s four suits—Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles—relates to one of the four astrological elements. Wands are connected to the fire element, so you can think of these cards as being action-oriented; Cups are connected to the water element, so they are focused on feelings and intuition; Swords are connected to the air element, which asks you to focus on reason and thought; and Pentacles are linked to the earth element, so they are concerned with the physical world.

Each tarot card contains predetermined associations, but the interpretation depends on the themes that the reader is experiencing. In her book Tarot for Change, tarot reader Jessica Dore says, “When you’re pulling cards, you’ll have notions about what the cards imply, interpretations you adore, associations you’ll be anxious to highlight.” “But let’s first take note. What sensations are you having physically? What recollections come to mind? You can use the tarot card meanings listed below as a starting point to comprehend what the tarot cards you pull are attempting to tell you. These meanings were provided by experienced tarot readers and specialists.

Find out what each of the 78 tarot cards means by reading on.

Arcana Major

The Idiot

Tarot Card Meaning of The Fool

The Fool, the top card in the tarot deck, is a representation of innocence and innocent curiosity. According to astrologer and tarot reader Imani Quinn, “This card represents enthusiastic and ready to take a risk and start a new journey, always with a young attitude.” It serves as a reminder to be cautious moving forward.

It’s Magician.

Tarot Card Meaning for The Magician

The Magician tells you that you have the power to create the life of your dreams. You have everything you need to create your wishes, so be prepared to use it whenever it’s needed, advises Quinn.

High Priestesses

Meaning of the High Priestess tarot card

You are invited by the High Priestess to trust your instincts and do as your inner knowledge directs you. To move yourself and others from an empowered intuitive position, Quinn advises that you “trust your intuition and perceive it as your superpower.”

The Emperor

meaning of the empress tarot card

You are being urged to embrace your sexual and creative power if the Empress has shown up. According to astrologer and tarot reader Ryan Marquardt, “It’s a fantastic card for self-love, but it also may suggest the desire to nurture something really dear to you, whether it’s a kid, a relationship, or a creative endeavour.

The monarch

meaning of the tarot card emperor

When the Emperor appears, it emphasises a dominant authority or a propensity to be in charge. When this card appears, you frequently need to parent yourself. It’s a strong message that begs you to cling to your feeling of structure, security, and foundation, according to Marquardt.

A Hierophant

Meaning of the hierophant tarot card

The severe, austere spirit of the Hierophant is about upholding traditions and legacy. According to Marquardt, you can be requested to follow the plan exactly and not omit any stages. It heavily depends on your worldviews, religious influences, and life philosophy.

The Couple

meaning of the lovers tarot card

The Lovers can certainly portend a marriage or a new beau, but, according to Marquardt, “it’s actually about achieving harmony when confronted with a huge choice in life.” In the end, this card recognises that a significant choice needs to be taken.

The Horse

Tarot card meaning for the chariot

at the crossroads? The Chariot card represents the various alternatives available to you, but it is up to you to persist in order to discover a solution. This card appears, according to Quinn, “when we are prepared to proceed with action and go forth with daring and confidence.”


Tarot card meaning for strength

While the Strength card represents tenacity and strength, it also speaks to generosity. The Strength card, according to Marquardt, “is a really optimistic one that urges you to maintain compassion with yourself and others and give where you can, because when you give of yourself you’ll eventually receive more in return.”

the recluse

Meaning of the hermit tarot card

A desire for quiet introspection may be indicated by the Hermit card. When The Hermit appears, Marquardt says, “you’re prompted to seek the truth, suggesting that you might not have all the answers you need right now, but they will arrive when you prioritise your introspection.”

The Fortune Wheel

Meaning of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card

The Wheel of Fortune, one of the most lucky cards in the deck, is a sign of fortune as well as fate and karma. Keep an eye out for indications and synchronicities from the cosmos since you’re being urged to lean into the concept of divine timing with the Wheel of Fortune, says Marquardt.


Tarot card meaning for Justice

The three fundamental aspects of the Justice card are diplomacy, justice, and balance. It could occur to serve as a gentle reminder to choose wisely, but it might also be a sign that you should compromise and engage in some negotiation, according to Marquardt.

Hanged Man

Tarot card meaning for the hanging guy

The Hanged Man serves as a reminder to have patience and let go even in the face of difficulty. Quinn explains, “There is something greater than you occurring right now; it’s time to let go and submit.”


Tarot card meaning for death

Contrary to popular belief, the Death card seldom portends the end of life; rather, it conveys a message about metamorphic changes and completion. According to Marquardt, “it’s about the transfer of energy and recognising that, even though you might be confronting some form of ending, you can convert that energy into something more powerful than you initially believed.


Meaning of the tarot card Temperance

The Temperance card emphasises dedication and overcoming challenges. It’s urging you to proceed cautiously. According to Marquardt, if Temperance shows up in a reading, you’re probably learning to patiently work on anything, be it your health, a career, a relationship, or something else.

The Evil One

meaning of the devil tarot card

If the Devil card appears, there’s probably nothing to be afraid of. According to Marquardt, “it’s basically about the experience of being trapped or pushed down by a lesser energy.” This card is highlighting vices and undesirable behaviours that can be impeding your development.

Its Tower

meaning of the devil tarot card

The Tower card conveys a strong message about demolishing buildings and laying fresh foundations. According to Marquardt, “it can denote abrupt change and jolting actions, but it also corresponds to epiphanies and dramatic insights.”

The Sun

Tarot card meaning for Star

A symbol of positivity, hope, and self-healing, the star. It can relate to self-care in some ways, but Marquardt thinks it has more to do with spiritual healing entering your life and giving you a greater sense of hope and purpose.

Lunar Node

Tarot card meaning for the moon

Not everything is as it seems. It’s a sign to labour in the shadows when the Moon appears in a tarot reading. “Not everything has been made known. Keep an eye out for the indicators using your instincts, advises Quinn.

The Sun.

Tarot card meaning for the sun

If you were seeking confirmation, the Sun actually brings you excellent news. According to Marquardt, “the Sun can predict prosperity coming your way.” It’s also a lovely card for connecting with your inner kid and living life more innocently.


Tarot card meaning for judgement

When the Judgement card appears, there is no getting away from karma. It’s a sign to consider how your prior choices have affected other people, for better or bad. It’s also a card of forgiveness for wrongdoings, whether you’ve done them to other people or to yourself, according to Marquardt. In any case, it’s wise to let go and let the lessons and chain reaction take their course.

The Global

Tarot card meaning in the globe

Consider the World card as a SparkNotes summary of all the lessons, triumphs, setbacks, and advances that have so far been realised before flipping to a brand-new, thrilling chapter. Marquardt says, “All the things that have happened in your recent history have brought you here, and you’re precisely where you need to be.” Currently, you may relax because something has been finished, which also indicates that something new is going to begin.

Smaller Arcana


Cups Ace

Meaning of the tarot card Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups is a symbol of a new beginning and a reminder to go with your gut. You have a fresh perspective on love in your life, and there are plenty of possibilities for you to find it, says Quinn.

Pair of Cups

Tarot card meaning for the two of cups

The Two of Cups represents a unique partnership. It is an invitation to consider the dynamic and balance of that connection. Quinn says there is a chance for new friendships to establish and relationships to grow.

Five of Swords

significance of the tarot card three of cups

Your sense of belonging is addressed in The Three of Cups. Quinn explains that the community and friendships in your life are a major source of happiness and contentment.

Five of Swords

significance of the tarot card four of cups

You can be dealing with stubbornness or diversions from the broader issue when the Four of Cups appears. You’re being told to concentrate on the important things. It may be necessary to remove your blinders and search for an alternative strategy since it might also be a lost opportunity, says Marquardt.

Four of Swords

significance of the tarot card five of cups

The Five of Cups is encouraging you to look for a positive if things haven’t turned out the way you’d hoped. Whatever happened was intended, and you should consider why the result wasn’t what you had hoped for, advises Marquardt.

Cups: Six

significance of the six of cups in tarot

This card, the Six of Cups, evokes memories. It invites you to consider how things were in the past. It may appear when a person from your past comes back into your life or when you are asked to get in touch with someone who has been on your mind, according to Marquardt.

Eight of Swords

Meaning of the seven of cups in tarot

The Seven of Cups warns you to make a decision carefully when you’re at a crossroads since there can be a deceiving influence in your path. Quinn advises, “Pay attention to the options you have, and sit with them.” Which options are real and which are deceptions? ”

Seven of Swords

significance of the tarot card eight of cups

The Eight of Cups is a warning to leave a situation that has disappointed you and come back to it with new perspective. It might be difficult to let go of something that has held special meaning for you, but you are being asked to do so in order to grow personally at this time, according to Marquardt.

Seven of Swords

significance of the nine of cups in tarot

What are your current greatest aspirations? The Nine of Cups means recognising your manifestations, according to Marquardt, and “right now you’re at a receptive position that’s allowing your wishes to come true.” It serves as a reminder to savour the present since even happiness and contentment are transient.

Five of Swords

significance of the tarot card ten of cups

The Ten of Cups represents a full circle situation. Especially if you’ve been closed off, you are being asked to open up and welcome the wonderful coming your way. Marquardt explains, “You’re ready for pleasure and joy, but you need to let it come in.

Cups on a Page

significance of the page of cups in tarot

Someone is attempting to connect with you unconsciously, according to the Page of Cups. Keep an eye out for synchronistic circumstances that strangely bring people to you and believe in what they have to say to lead you in the right direction, advises Marquardt. It may also represent ignorance and be a reminder to develop and deepen your emotional stability.

Prince of Cups

Meaning of the Knight of Cups tarot card

The Knight of Cups represents solid ties in relationships. In order to thrive in love, the card challenges you to take into account your viewpoint on it. In any case, it will leave you feeling on cloud nine, according to Quinn. “An opportunity that sweeps you off your feet is on its way to you, or maybe you are the one doing the offering.”

King of Cups

Meaning of the Queen of Cups tarot card

The Queen of Cups is a symbol of compassion and heavenly direction. In the end, this card is urging you to use your intuition in place of rationality. According to Marquardt, if you’ve experienced a difficult emotional period, this might indicate that someone is intervening to ease your symptoms and assist you. Alternatively, you could be the support that someone in your life needs.

Crown of Cups

Meaning of the tarot card King of Cups

Altruistic and focusing on emotional intelligence on a larger scale, the King of Cups is a card. Think about your outside-of-your-personal-life investments. Share your experiences with others, advises Marquardt, since they will gain a lot from hearing about your emotional travels.


Wands of Aces

meaning of the tarot card ace of wands

The Ace of Wands is urging you to pursue your creative passion in this new chapter. Marquardt advises using your creative energy as much as you can at this time since it will serve as your greatest evolutionary accelerator.

Pair of Wands

Tarot card meaning for Two of Wands

The Two of Wands emphasises reinventing yourself and moving on to a new phase of your life. Marquardt continues, “You’ve lost a layer of your identity, and you’re emerging into a new version of yourself today.

Four of Swords

Tarot card meaning for the Three of Wands

You now have a lot to look forward to as a result of all your hard work. The Three of Wands praises your eagerness, but are you prepared to jump in? How far can you carry this new voyage, the real spark of expansion? You’ve already made plans, so don’t be afraid to go as far as you need to, advises Quinn.

Three of Swords

significance of the tarot card four of wands

When you see the Four of Wands, you should celebrate. It denotes a return home and is about laying firm foundations. According to Marquardt, “You could also be entering a new stage of your life, and this card is urging you to build a home wherever you are.”

Seven of Swords

Meaning of the five of wands in tarot

The Five of Wands is recommending you to determine whether or not there is real rivalry going on in light of any recent competition. Where is this tension coming from, and is it due to envy and jealousy? Pay attention to which disputes require your focus and others serve as a diversion, advises Quinn.

Five of Swords

Meaning of the six of wands in tarot

You are reminded to rejoice in all of your victories by the Six of Wands. According to Marquardt, this card represents achievement, triumph, and victory. It manifests itself when you receive praise or an honour for anything you did.

Eight of Swords

Meaning of the seven of wands in tarot

The Seven of Wands is mostly concerned with effort and resolve. Adversity may result from that, but you are being advised to stay focused on your objectives. “The job isn’t nearly finished. Don’t give up and keep going, advises Quinn. “Your superpower is your resilience.”

Seven of Swords

Tarot card meaning for the eight of wands

Although it’s not always literal, the Eight of Wands is a hint for you to take a much-needed vacation. According to Marquardt, “you could be embarking on a new path of knowledge in some way.” It’s also a sign that you’ll hear something urgently or that you must move quickly to make your point before it’s too late.

Seven of Swords

significance of the nine of wands in tarot

The Nine of Wands is attempting to inspire you to persevere even when things are becoming too much and your resistance is waning. “You can be hitting a wall, but if you keep going, you can finish strong,” says Marquardt. “You have the endurance it takes to see things through. You are in the home stretch.”

ten of cups

Tarot card meaning for ten of wands

The Ten of Wands is alerting you to the fact that you now have a tonne of obligations and are in danger of burning out. When is working harder not the best approach? Work hard in methods that help you increase in plenty rather than ones that deplete you, says Quinn.

Wands Page

Meaning of the page of wands tarot card

The Page of Wands encourages you to embark on the vacation plans you’ve been putting off, but she also issues a warning about acting rashly. Quinn says, “You are ready to embark on a new trip, or a messenger has arrived to inform you of a chance to do so. “Be aware of your work ethic and take comfort in your determination to advance.”

King of Swords

Meaning of the Knight of Wands tarot card

The Knight of Wands acknowledges the risk you took in pursuing your objectives. It’s a sign that you’ll be repaid abundantly for your bravery. You are prepared to act and take risks, and Quinn promises that your efforts will be recognised. “Be sure you can support this activity when necessary without becoming agitated.”

King of Wands

Meaning of the Queen of Wands tarot card

Consider the Queen of Wands as the heavenly mentor who will guide you on your creative path. She manifests herself, in the words of Marquardt, “when you’re stepping into your authenticity and you’re doing it in a vivid, dynamic way.” “You’re living life with inspired action and you’re not embarrassed of who you are.”

Crown of Wands

Meaning of the King of Wands tarot card

The King of Wands represents leadership and power. It’s allowing you to take the initiative and go for what will establish your legacy. Try to avoid being selfish at this time, Marquardt advises. Instead, consider your natural abilities and talents, and figure out how to use them so that others might profit from them as well.


Ace of Swords

Tarot card meaning for the ace of pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles is here to remind you to take advantage of any chance that will assist you access the new material benefits that are on their way to you. You’re urged to accept any fresh offers that come your way because of the energy of plenty present, according to Marquardt.

Double Pentacles

Tarot card meaning for the Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles is alerting you to the fact that you are very busy. It encourages you to make adjustments so that you may concentrate on one activity at a time to prevent overstretching yourself. Create to-do lists and improved routines to help you learn how to prioritise, says Marquardt. To be more sustainable in your approach, avoid multitasking.

Triple Pentacles

Pentacles on threes

You are reminded by The Three of Pentacles that it is OK to seek assistance and make use of the resources close at hand. The focus on teamwork and collaboration is encouraged by this card. Right now, you don’t have to do everything by yourself, explains Marquardt.

Five of Swords

meaning of the tarot card four of pentacles

The Four of Pentacles is warning you to be mindful of your finances since the material world has become unbalanced. Marquardt says, “In a more broad sense, it’s about approaching whatever circumstance you’re dealing with in a cautious manner. While maintaining your personal stability is important at this time, you shouldn’t allow it rule your life too.

Seven of Swords

meaning of the tarot card five of pentacles

The Five of Pentacles indicates feelings of sadness or grief as it detects a loss. Marquardt says, “But there is always hope, and you should draw on faith in your harder moments. You should keep trying since you generally have at least one resource at your disposal that you aren’t currently taking into account.

Pentacles six

meaning of the tarot card six of pentacles

Specifically when it comes to your own resources or money, The Six of Pentacles is about generosity and aiding others — but be careful to do it mindfully. According to Marquardt, if one person provides and the other receives, ultimately the donor will become depleted.

Eight of Swords

Meaning of the seven of pentacles in tarot

There are a lot of feelings of excitement and expectation currently, but the Seven of Pentacles cautions you to practise patience. Your efforts are paying off, but Marquardt advises you to have a little more faith in your financial decisions. “Let your ambitions mature a little longer, and you’ll soon be enjoying the rewards of your toil.”

Seven of Swords

meaning of the tarot card eight of pentacles

You are being urged by the Eight of Pentacles to focus on your task and avoid outside distractions. According to Marquardt, “this card is about perfecting your talents through perseverance, practise, and an outstanding work ethic.”

Seven of Swords

significance of the nine of pentacles in tarot

The Nine of Pentacles serves as a reminder to enjoy what you have while you still have it and to recognise your accomplishments. “Allow yourself to enjoy the praise and gratitude,” advises Quinn. “You have at last earned the attention you deserve for all of your work.”

Twenty of Swords

Tarot card meaning for the ten of pentacles

You are being questioned by the Ten of Pentacles: How do you wish to be remembered? Note your own principles and consider the sort of legacy you wish to leave behind. According to Marquardt, “It’s a lucky card that signifies you have community support, incoming riches, and a clear objective.”

Pentacles Page

Meaning of the Page of Pentacles tarot card

High aspirations and goals are wonderful, but the Page of Pentacles is indicating a mentor who will help you dream frugally. According to Quinn, “This card represents a messenger of good news and opportunity being approaching.” “Also, someone who is willing to assist practically,”

Knight of Swords

Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles tarot card

Your commitment and aspirations are highlighted by the Knight of Pentacles. It’s assurance that you will achieve your goals, but only if you maintain your endurance. This card also emphasises realistic service to others and being prepared and self-assured to step in and offer assistance, according to Quinn.

Royal Pentacles

Meaning of the Queen of Pentacles tarot card

The Queen of Pentacles is encouraging you but also cautioning you to remain grounded while you’re concentrated on increasing your financial worth. This card, according to Marquardt, “shows maturity when it comes to monetary things and that you don’t have to labour yourself to death to attain success.”

Royal Pentacles

Royal Pentacles

A significant financial or intellectual milestone is on the horizon, according to the King of Pentacles. According to Marquardt, “This is a card of leadership, and you may inspire others by sharing your route to achievement.”


Swords of the Ace

Meaning of the tarot card Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords is a sign from the cosmos that significant news is on the way. This card offers breakthroughs when you are stuck on a choice and offers a lot of mental clarity, according to Marquardt.

A pair of swords

meaning of the tarot card two of swords

The Two of Swords suggests several forms of obstructions, including your desire to cut individuals out of your life or destroy bridges. According to Marquardt, it manifests when you don’t want to talk to someone, have blocked them out of your life, or are at a halt on a crucial choice.

Triple Swords

meaning of the tarot card three of swords

When the Three of Swords appears, you are likely to experience heartache or rejection, and you are being urged to evaluate the disappointment. Marquardt says, “You could have sacrificed for someone you loved, but they might have deceived you.

Swords: Four

meaning of the tarot card four of swords

The Four of Swords is a reminder to take a day off so you can properly refresh since you need to get some good rest. Marquardt says, “You have to replenish your intellect in some way, or you’ll burn out. Best to maintain a dream notebook! “It can also imply messages coming through in your dreams, so pay attention to your dreams if you recall them when you wake up.”

Three of Swords

meaning of the tarot card five of swords

The Five of Swords appears when you’ve prevailed but perhaps not in a fair struggle; at this point, you should think about how your actions affect other people. Even while you may have defeated your adversary in some way, Marquardt cautions, you could have used low-ball strategies. Be mindful of your exaggerated self-interest at this time, and take into account the other parties involved.

Swords: Six

meaning of the tarot card six of swords

The Six of Swords is about going through a significant phase of transformation, but doing so at the expense of letting things and people go. But ultimately, Marquardt argues, “you have forward progress taking place.” Although change is challenging, this place has to accept it.

Swords: Seven

significance of the seven of swords in tarot

A harmful force is present in your orbit. You are being cautioned by the Seven of Swords to keep an eye out for any unusual behaviour. Additionally, Marquardt advises being cautious with persons you already have reservations about since odds are that they are up to no good. “Be careful who and with whom you share information with at this time.”

Seven of Swords

meaning of the tarot card eight of swords

The Eight of Swords draws attention to the constraints—including those you place on yourself—that prevent you from realising your full potential. According to Marquardt, “you’ll typically realise that even though you feel confined, you have everything you need to break free.”

Swords: Nine

significance of the nine of swords in tarot

The uneasiness and hesitancy that have been keeping you up at night are reflected in The Nine of Swords. When this card occurs, you’re anxious about something, explains Marquardt. If you can, try to divert your attention from the situation to prevent a downward spiral.

The ten of swords

meaning of the tarot card ten of swords

Despite your efforts, it hasn’t produced the outcomes you were hoping for. The Ten of Swords serves as a gentle reminder that only your viewpoint may alter the course of events. “Letting go is being asked of you. It is the height of giving up control and letting go, claims Quinn. Problems sometimes can’t be fixed, therefore we need to stop worrying about them.

Swords Page

meaning of the tarot card page of swords

The significant ideas you have are acknowledged by the Page of Swords. It’s advising you to act upon your curiosity by doing so. “Once you have a fresh, exciting concept, it’s time to put it into action. It’s that time again, says Quinn. Additionally, pay attention to those who bring you great ideas.

squire of swords

meaning of the knight of swords tarot card

You might be thinking creatively. The Knight of Swords feels that in order for these radical ideas to endure, serious effort must be made. Quinn explains that the Knight is there to help. “Once you have decided on a new idea, you must be resilient in your endeavour to move forward with it.

Princess of Swords

Tarot card reading for the Queen of Swords.

The Queen of Swords advises you to use reason rather than intuition. It’s best to use the resources at your disposal to develop a practical explanation or solution. “The Queen of Swords is the ultimate detacher, able to look at any situation objectively to gain a holistic understanding of whatever is going on,” explains Marquardt.

King of Swords

king of swords tarot card meaning.

The King of Swords reflects your inner genius. It is recommending you to follow your reason and intelligence as your road map. Marquardt describes this as being “discerning with your thought, rational in your conclusions, and satisfied with spending all the time you need to examine the information brought out before you.”

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