Thu. Jan 30th, 2025

Do you ever feel as though you keep running across folks who share your particular zodiac sign? Since there are many astrological personality types for each zodiac sign, you are likely predisposed to some of them. However, it’s possible to explain this phenomenon by the simple fact that more people were born under certain signs than others. You might be surprised by the most typical zodiac signs.

According to data compiled by FiveThirtyEight, which studied the number of births in the United States from 1994 to 2014, it appears that birthdays are not evenly distributed across all 365 days of the year. The most common birthdate (September 9) has nearly twice as many births as the least common birthdate (Dec. 25). Which means you’re not alone if you can name a slew of early-September Virgos off the top of your head but can’t think of any Capricorn Christmas miracles.

Leo, Cancer, and Virgo are the top three most common Zodiac signs.

Birthdays are most common during the summer months of late June to late September, which is ruled by the astrological signs of Cancer, Leo, and Virgo. That means that we have more moody Cancers, attention-seeking Leos, and critical Virgos than any other sign! While the data shows that Leo is the most common sign, it is followed by Cancer and Virgo, with a very small difference between them. Given the near-tie, as well as the fact that the sun changes signs at a different time (and sometimes a different date) each year, it’s impossible to know how many cusps zodiac sign babies were born within one sign’s territory.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer is an introspective water sign, so you may have missed the fact that we have a swarm of these unassuming but powerful crabs on our shores. Cancer season is the astrological period that ushers in the summertime, as well as the most birthday-heavy period of the year. According to studies, more babies are born during the summer than any other time of year, so it stands to reason that more people are born within Cancer’s emotional territory.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Did you think that flashy Leos would stand for anything less than the best? This regal zodiac sign may not have dominated the top 10 birthday list (they only appear there once), but it still controls more than one-quarter of the top 100 most common birth dates, which helped secure its position at the top. Many Leos were most likely conceived during the chilly and festive winter holiday season when many of us are bracing ourselves for the upcoming winter season and reconnecting with loved ones over Thanksgiving weekend.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Nine of the top ten most common birth dates fall within the Virgo season — and all nine of these Virgoan birthdates fall between the week and a half of September 9 to September 20. This means that many of these babies were conceived during the cold and flu season when many of us are hunkered down at home with our partners for the holidays. It’s no surprise that this is such a popular baby-making season!

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