Mon. Jan 27th, 2025

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) 
As a sign of the earth, Virgo has a strong connection to the physical world, which is shown in the fact that she has traditionally been associated with the goddess of wheat and agriculture. Virgos are known for their analytical mind, meticulous planning, and meticulous attention to detail. This earth sign strives for excellence and has no qualms about putting in the time and effort necessary to get better at anything. Because Virgo oversees the digestive system, those born under this sign have a heightened awareness of the constituent parts that make up a whole, whether it be a meal or anything else. In other words, they have a heightened awareness of the world around them.

Mercury, the planet of trade and communication, rules the Virgo zodiac sign. Despite the fact that Mercury also controls Gemini, the energies of these two signs couldn’t be more different: Gemini is all about expression and production, while Virgo is all about taking in information and digesting it. In dealing with data, a Virgo is like a computer, capable of translating even the most chaotic mess into coherent ideas. Virgos’ need for perfection might backfire if they apply it too rigidly to themselves or others. There is perfection in our shortcomings, and Virgos would do well to remember this.

Virgos’ primary motivation is a desire to provide a hand. Friends and lovers alike benefit from their extraordinary intelligence and ingenuity, which they utilise to treat each other with kindness and compassion. Pisces, Virgo’s opposite sign, provides direction on a spiritual level, while Virgos like to provide a hand in more tangible ways. These earth signs are constantly looking for methods to fix things that don’t quite function right. Teacher, healer, editor, or musician, they are methodical, dedicated, and diligent.

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