Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) 
As you can expect, as a practising astrologer, I come across a wide variety of misunderstandings, both about my profession and about the actual science of astrology. A common misconception is that Aquarius is a water sign. Especially with the “aqua” prefix, I can see how this would be confusing, but if you learn more about Aquarius, it becomes immediately apparent that this is an air sign. Despite being the eleventh and last zodiac sign, Aquarius is the last air sign, therefore it focuses on air-related ideas from a broader viewpoint (we’ll get into that in a little). Aquarius is the most forward-thinking, radical, defiant, and compassionate of all the zodiac signs. While Aquarius is known for their revolutionary ideas and keen sense of style, they also have a sensitive side that needs to be shown love and support.

There is a close connection between the mind and air energy. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are all air signs, and as such they are naturally bright, inquisitive, and devoted to building meaningful relationships with others. However, Aquarius, the zodiac’s last air sign, takes all of these ideas to a whole new level. The mythical healer who showers the earth with water—and so, life—is the water bearer (thus, “aquarius”). The tarot card for Aquarius, the Star, depicts a legendary creature with one foot on dry land (representing stability) and the other in water (indicating freedom). Aquarius is shown here with a vase from which fresh wells of motivation to foster health, longevity, and optimism flow. It’s crucial to keep in mind that Aquarius is distanced from this process; seen from this angle, Aquarius seems to be a different entity from the revitalising water it provides to the dry, cracked earth. In this way, Aquarius reveals its strong sense of belonging: An Aquarius’s commitment to the “greater good,” the power of cooperation, and the importance of collaboration fuels their drive to make a significant impact on the world.

The planet of invention, technology, and the unexpected, Uranus, rules Aquarius. In this way, Uranus echoes Aquarius’s unique perspective and accentuates the unconventional traits of the air signs associated with vision. Aquarians have a tendency to think globally but must remember to act locally. These reform leaders might become so devoted to their cause that they put their personal relationships on the back burner. Because of this, Aquarians should promote empathy and compassion everywhere they can, and keep in mind that change begins on the smallest possible scale.

When does an Aquarius feel most content?
Despite its reputation as the zodiac’s humanitarian, this sign often gets a bad rap for being unfeeling and uncaring. Now, here’s the thing: Aquarius despises idle chatter. Aquarius is completely uninterested in small talk and, to be honest, doesn’t give a hoot about social graces. These revolutionary Aries are all about macro change because they are dedicated to making a big difference from the ground up. If an Aquarius seems uninterested in a topic, it’s probably because the problem at hand isn’t one that affects the greater good of society as a whole. An Aquarius’s attention will be piqued the moment the focus moves from the individual to the group.

Everyone born under the Aquarius sign has a streak of insurrection in them; these air signs aren’t meant to work with the likes of authorities or the likes of any organisation that supports the status quo. You can usually identify someone with this air sign by their unconventional style, quirky interests, and general lack of conformity. Keep in mind that solar and lunar eclipses may have far-reaching effects, so if you’re an Aquarius, you should keep an eye out for these significant astrological events. Dig even deeper into your Aquarius horoscope while you’re at it; there’s always more to learn!

Can you describe the flaws that Aquarius is susceptible to?
Typical of the fixed signs, Aquarius may be somewhat inflexible once they’ve made up their minds. When an Aquarius is set in their ways, it might cause problems. After Aquarius has fully bought into a new method or strategy, they may find it difficult to see things from other angles. One may say this is a chink in the armour. (Aquarius is associated with the ankles in medical astrology.) The stubbornness of an Aquarius is grounded in a sense of righteous indignation, but it melts away the moment the Aquarius has the power to make a difference. These water carriers are driven by a strong sense of equality, and as a result, they thrive in groups of like-minded people.

Is there somebody Aquarius should stay away from?
When it comes to contemplation, idea generation, and plotting their part in the revolution, Aquarians need substantial alone time. Aquarians place a premium on personal autonomy and see any efforts to limit their freedom as coercive. If you want to earn an Aquarius’s trust, you shouldn’t attempt to tame their eccentricities or hide their freak flag. Aquarius is a sign that feeds on the unexpected. Taurus and Scorpio, two other fixed signs, might cause some friction for Aquarius since they share the water sign’s reputation for stubbornness. Having too many individuals with strong opinions can make things chaotic. While the water carrier may develop a loving connection with any sign, it’s crucial that Aquarius not forget the need of compromise. That we don’t all have the same interests is part of what makes the world so interesting.

Who is Aquarius most likely to find attractive?
Air sign Aquarius adores the confidence and independence of fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), and the logical companionship of fellow air sign Gemini (Gemini and Libra). However, there is no sign that is completely out of bounds for Aquarius when it comes to compatibility. To put it simply, Aquarius is drawn to revolutionaries, or those who share their drive, enthusiasm, and commitment to bettering the world. When it comes to romance, Aquarians are attracted to partners who aren’t afraid to buck convention, or at least don’t mind their unwavering dedication to a worthy cause. For Aquarians, who are constantly considering the larger picture, entering into a relationship is more of a political statement than a simple interpersonal interaction. Duh.

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