Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

If you’ve ever relied on astrological guidance, you may have also used a tarot deck to help you navigate difficult times. Tarot card readings can help you through a rough patch or bring clarity to your situation, so it’s no surprise that people seek professional tarot readings or pick up a deck for themselves. Each card has its meaning, and the associations you form with it can help you decide how to proceed. When it comes to figuring out what the Sun tarot card means, you can expect good news, abundance, and vibrant energy.

The Sun, which depicts the luminary beaming down on a smiling child riding a triumphant horse, is generally a harbinger of good news and inspires childlike wonder. It is associated with triumph, as represented by the white horse, and with the sun, which represents life’s exuberance. “While every tarot card embodies both light and shadow,” Erin River Sunday, tarot practitioner and astrologer for Birthdate Co., tells Bustle. “Its energy radiates proudly, like the zodiac sign Leo, and can be read as a big thumbs up from the universe.”

If the Sun card appeared in your reading, you’re not only due for good fortune but you’re also being encouraged to enjoy pleasure and play.

The Sun, which depicts the luminary beaming down on a smiling child riding a triumphant horse, is generally a harbinger of good news and inspires childlike wonder. It is associated with triumph, as represented by the white horse, and with the sun, which represents life’s exuberance. “While every tarot card embodies both light and shadow,” Erin River Sunday, tarot practitioner and astrologer for Birthdate Co., tells Bustle. “Its energy radiates proudly, like the zodiac sign Leo, and can be read as a big thumbs up from the universe.”

If the Sun card appeared in your reading, you’re not only due for good fortune but you’re also being encouraged to enjoy pleasure and play.

What Is the Meaning of the Sun Tarot Card?

While different people interpret each card differently, the Sun card typically conveys an optimistic message of vitality and success. Consider this card to be a lust for life. It is part of the Major Arcana, which deals with larger, overarching themes in life, such as a romantic relationship or letting go of a relationship that has been holding you back.

“To many Tarot readers, the Sun represents the happiest card in the deck, with its advice being to simply hold what you love in a warm embrace,” Sunday explains. “It promises that everything will be revealed, so your investigation can be observed with not only clarity but optimism.”

When the Sun Card is upright, what does it mean?

When the Sun card is drawn upright, it usually indicates that good news is on the way. Whether you’re in the midst of a major career decision or looking for advice on how to make the first move in a relationship, the Sun’s message is here to help. If you’re thinking about changing careers, pulling the Sun card confirms that you should investigate your options.

“When the Sun card appears upright in a tarot reading, it represents a highly active and energised moment,” Rivers explains. “It’s difficult not to feel a playful, childlike energy emanating from this card of pure joy.”

What Does the Reversed Sun Card Mean?

While the Sun card is usually a good omen, it isn’t always rainbows and sunshine. Reversed cards can represent the underbelly of the upright meaning. It may also represent its upright meaning when applied to your inner self. Pulling the Sun in reverse may indicate naivety or a lack of practicality about a situation, with the Sun representing energy, play, and optimism. Pulling the Sun in reverse, for example, if you’re asking a question about pursuing a relationship with your crush, could indicate that you’re being hampered by your rose-colored glasses.

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