Sat. Mar 8th, 2025

In Vedic Astrology, there are two types of 3rd Houses. The natural third house and one’s personal third house We will begin by discussing the natural 3rd House in Astrology, Gemini, as well as the regions that the 3rd House governs. The next newsletter will focus on one’s personal third house.

Characteristics of the Third House

The 3rd House symbolizes distinct aspects of your life, regardless of whether it is Gemini (the natural 3rd House) or your own 3rd House. The Third House is referred to as the “House of Siblings.” It represents your ability to get along with others as well as your physical strength. It also reflects your overall attitudes about danger, such as whether you behave confidently or cautiously. The third house is also in charge of the ears, arms, hands, and neurological system.

The third home is often referred to as the “Upachaya” or “Growing” House (along with the 6th, 10th, and 11th Houses). This implies that, while experiences may be difficult at first, they improve over time. Thus, tough planetary placements in the third house might cause issues early on, but they have the potential to be transmuted into good. For example, having Mars (a malevolent planet) in your third House may imply strong activity, sibling rivalry, and a confrontational personality. However, because it is in the 3rd House, this tremendous martian energy has the potential to be constructive. This tremendous energy, for example, may motivate you to work out harder and improve your athletic skills.

When a sign is in the 3rd House of a chart, it gives a certain quality to the “House of Siblings”; it colors how one encounters people, as well as one’s views toward risk and innovation. Furthermore, a planet in the third house or “expecting” the third house will significantly impact their interpersonal abilities and how they react to events. Gemini, the natural 3rd House, is discussed in depth below as an example.

Planets positioned in Gemini

Unlike other signs, Gemini has no “Exalted” planets and none that are “Depilated.” Mercury, Gemini’s governing planet, is exalted in Virgo rather than Gemini. Planets situated in Gemini will ignite Mercurial tendencies in all charts.

The Sun is in Gemini

When the Sun is present, the person’s activities will be Mercury-like, as symbolized by the Sun. They’d be drawn to scholastic hobbies like study and reading. Their professions would thrive in fast-paced occupations or industries similar to Mercury’s, such as advertising or journalism. They will be astute in their activities and skilled at establishing the strategy.

The Moon is in Gemini

When the Moon is present, the person’s emotions will be Mercury-like, as indicated by the Moon. This would be a very flexible personality to their surroundings. They are likely to feel anxious as a result of taking on too much. Their quick wit will win people over, but Moon in Gemini individuals is tough to depend on in a pinch, they are quickly overwhelmed.

Gemini Mercury

Mercury is a neutral planet; it will be positive or negative depending on its surroundings. If it is positioned in its own signs of Gemini and Virgo, that person will have a highly developed mind and thinking skills, and they will be extremely intelligent.

Venus in Gemini

Venus in Gemini fosters a strong interest in education, intellectual pursuits, and the arts. Their love in relationship affairs, on the other hand, would take on a dual character with vacillating impulses.

Mars in Gemini.

Mars in this sign gives you an energetic, fast, and fiery mentality. They will have an active relationship with their siblings and relatives, for better or worse.

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter at this position will offer mental and emotional harmony to the psyche. This person will have excellent communication skills, tact in their delivery, and a sense of humor.

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