Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

It is impossible to dispute our cultural fixation with studying the psychology of serial killers. It’s both fascinating and disturbing to consider what drives someone to commit such heinous acts — and it’s fascinating to learn about similar characteristics shared by some of the most well-known killers. If family history and behavioral difficulties are associated with criminal tendencies, it seems reasonable to examine the zodiac signs most common among serial killers as well. After all, astrology may offer light on all parts of our lives and personalities, so why not use it on serial killers as well?

Many psychological features shared by serial killers may correspond to the strengths and weaknesses of specific zodiac signs. According to clinical psychologist Dr. Perpetua Neo, “[Serial killers] tend to be extraordinarily charming because they have mastered and perfected the fine skill of magnetizing individuals.” “This is the web they spin to lure individuals, gain their trust, and maybe let down their guard.” Dr. Neo also mentions a lack of empathy and apathy toward cruelty as prevalent features among serial killers. “Cognitive empathy is the ability to [see things from] someone else’s point of view, even if we can’t feel it — and serial killers frequently lack affective empathy,” she explains.

While it is not realistic to argue that one zodiac sign is more likely to conduct a spate of murders than another, it is intriguing to explore the astrology of serial killers and some of the features their charts share. Continue reading to learn about a few of the prominent serial killer zodiac signs.

1 Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

John Wayne Gacy, Aileen Wuornos, and Dennis Rader are all notable Pisces serial killers.

Bustle/Margaret Flatley

Famous Pisces serial killers include Richard Ramirez (born February 29, 1960), John Wayne Gacy (born March 17, 1942), Aileen Wuornos (born February 29, 1956), Donald Henry Gaskins (born March 13, 1933), and Dennis Rader (born February 29, 1960). (born March 9, 1945).

Water indicators that change Pisces are home to some of the most prolific serial killers in recent history, which is surprising given their reputation as one of the zodiac’s most sensitive and kind signs. Pisces are recognized for their intense emotions, creative spirits, and penchant for daydreaming.

2 Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Famous Gemini serial killers: Peter Sutcliffe, also known as the “Yorkshire Ripper” (born June 2, 1946); Jeffrey Dahmer (born May 21, 1960); David Berkowitz, also known as the “Son of Sam” (born May 21, 1960). (born on June 1, 1953).

Variable air sign Geminis, who are controlled by the planet of communication Mercury, are known for their rapid thinking and sharp wit. However, in the case of these Gemini-born serial killers, their smooth-talking charm may have enabled them to get closer to their victims and conceal their crimes from others.

3 Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Famous Sagittarius serial killers include Ted Bundy (born November 24, 1976), Larry Eyler called the Interstate Killer (born December 21, 1952), Dennis Nilsen (born November 23, 1945), and Rosemary West (born November 29, 1953).

Sagittarius is a changeable fire sign that values independence, travel, and higher education. These thrill-seekers are notorious for being spontaneous and taking risks — and because Jupiter, the planet of good luck, rules them, they frequently land on their feet. However, a Sagittarius’ adventurous nature can occasionally lead to recklessness.

4 Virgo ((Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Infamous Virgo serial killers: Albert DeSalvo aka The Boston Strangler (born September 3, 1931), Richard Angelo aka the Angel of Death (August 29, 1962), Ed Gein (born August 27, 1906), Gerald Stano (born September 12, 1951).

Mutable earth sign Virgos are known for being keenly observant, detail-oriented, organized, and tidy, making them naturally helpful people. However, it’s these very same qualities that could theoretically allow them to more thoroughly plan out a crime and effectively cover up their crimes effectively.

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