Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Effect of Conjunction of Sun and Rahu -

Rahu is a karmic node that shows us which aspect we’ll learn and gain in this lifetime, and as the reason for our current incarnation. Rahu is our ambition, fuel, desire, our curiosity, and an aspect of us where we’re willing to dig deep to understand the core of that particular part in life, as a soul revolution. Rahu is the energy of searching for the truth and willingness to experience good and bad aspects of ourselves.Without Rahu, we won’t have ignition to achieve and conquer. And because of Rahu, we’re living in a new age, era, and revolution of humanity.

Rahu is malefic

The old schooling and most probably most of you still think that Rahu is a natural malefic planet (it’s a shadow of Moon, not a graha) will always tend to give us a bad result, losses, misery, vivid vision, uncertainty, confusion, etc. Which actually if you think about it and revisit your memory when you went through Rahu Mahadasha, Antradasha or Priantradasha; most probably you were highly energetic, there was always something on your mind to achieve, something to experience or to conquer. You tried your best during that time to fulfill your desire regardless if you made it or not.

Perhaps Rahu is not malefic as we thought, yes we fail to achieve the goal but we learned from Rahu what mistakes we did; so next time when chance comes, we’ll be able to make it. In my opinion, Rahu can be translated as desire that the soul will fail to attempt most of the time as part of the soul revolution, this is when we’ll start to master that particular house, sign placement. And if you achieve it, energy of greediness will present, also it will be translated in the same way as the soul is desiring to experience a higher level of fulfillment related to a particular house/sign as a mastery (soul revolution).

Trick to decode Rahu

Rahu is indicating very strongly what we’re going to do and achieve in life regardless of any other factors in your chart. Rahu shows part of our inner revolution. The simplest way to read Rahu is to understand the sign placement ONLY.

Rahu energy can work better in Earth & Air signs, while can be a bit tricky in Fire and Water signs. Regardless, look at the sign placement of Rahu and you’ll notice that most of the time you’re aiming to achieve that particular energy (the zodiac sign theme)

let’s take an example,

Rahu is in Cancer sign, perhaps the native here trying his best to achieve inner peace, emotional solitude, a sense of containment, and security; The native is here aiming to find someone or embodying the energy of mother who is ready to sacrifice and give with no limitation. If other placements are not really helping Rahu to contain his energy, the native can feel drained and consumed emotionally without appreciation or acknowledgment from others. This is where the result of Rahu will vary, depending on conjunctions, depositor placement, house placement, etc; but the foundation is the same.

Let’s take another example of Rahu in Taurus. As I said, read it from sign placement only. We can say here that the native is aiming to achieve financial stability, a huge amount of saving, inherit assets, or accumulate, there could be the energy of wanting to experience a

high level of lifestyle and exotic habits, family bond and connection, and sensual relationships. But how Rahu can go very extreme or very decent will depend on overall chart


Whatever written here is based on personal research and observation. Yes, I read energies in different ways and perspectives, which might be odd for people who read astrology as a book to memorize instead of using intuition and inner guidance. You have to examine your own chart to see the true impact, not everyone will feel or behave in the same way, little knowledge can be dangerous.

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