Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

The total period of the Vimshottari Mahadasha is 120 years. The name Vimshottari is self-explanatory. It is Vees (20) after Shattari (100) according to a rustic saying. An uneducated villager who would not know how to count will count 120 as 20+100. Hence the name-Vimshottari.

The period for each Mahadasha Swami is given below:

Dasha swamiNakshatraPeriod in years.
KetuAshwini, Magha, Moola7
ShukraBharani, Purva Phalguni, Purvashadha20
RaviKrittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashadha6
ChandraRohini, Hasta, Shravan10
MangalMrugshirsh, Chitra, Dhanishtha7
RahuArdra, Swati, Shattaraka18
GuruPunarvasu, Vishakha, Purvabhadrapada16
ShaniPushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapada19
BudhAshlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati17

These Mahadashas are widely used all over the world. Although some astrologers may use a different Ayanamsha or method, they also follow this one. Some astrologers use Lahiri, Yukteshwar, Raman, Bhasin, Fagan, Krishnamurti ayanamsha or a Sayana method, but for predicting, the the most popular method is the ‘Vimshottari Mahadasha’ method.

One has to know which Bhav will give a much better result. The capacity of Bhavesh in giving the positive results is given below in a descending order:
Lord of 9th House
Lord of 5th House
Lord of 10th House
Lord of 7th House
Lord of 4th House
Lord of 1st House
Lord of 12th House (this will give a neutral result)
Lord of 2nd House
Lord of 8th House
Lord of 3rd House
Lord of 6th House
Lord of 11th House

Thus the Lord of the 9th House will give the most positive results, and the Lord of the 11th House will give minimum positive results.
Further, even if the Lord of 10th, 7th, 4th and 1st House is a malefic planet, it will give a positive result, and that if it is a benefic planet, it will give a negative result.
Shubh Grahas (in descending order): Shukra, Guru, Shubh Budh, Shubh Chandra.
Ashubh Grahas (in ascending order): Ashubh Budh, Ashubh Chandra, Ravi, Shani, Mangal.

Rahu and Ketu: They are malefic planets, but they do not have a Lordship of any House, and hence the above rule is not applicable. But, it is observed that Rahu may misguide a native leading to some losses. Whereas, Ketu gives no such result.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto: They do not have a Lordship, but they do bear some results in their Nakshatra swami dasha as per their relations with the Nakshatra swami.

It is observed that sometimes a native may feel that he/she has something major missing in his/ her life. This may indicate the absence of proper dasha in his/her entire lifetime, which will invariably lead to unhappiness.
This may be true to some extent.

Generally, a natal chart is likely to have 4 distinct positive dashas –
(1) Chandra or Budh in childhood.
(2) Mangal, Shukra or Rahu during young age.
(3) Ravi or Guru in middle age.
(4) Shani or Ketu in older age.
If, this does not happen, the native is likely to face depression, unhappiness frustration and other similar situations in life.

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