Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
Vastu tips for Home: घर में सुख-समृद्धि और शांति के लिए रखें इन बातों का  ध्यान - vastu tips for home

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  • Never ever keep your medicines open on table.
  • Always keep them in drawers or boxes.
  • Put some other systems like alarm, so thay you don’t miss your dose.
  • After taking any medicine don’t forget to keep in closet like drawer or boxes. It will help you to lower down your doses easily.
  • First choice Sleeping head towards South.
  • Second choice Sleeping head towards East.
  • Strictly avoid sleeping head towards North
  • Sleeping head towards West is considered as neutral.

⏰ There is no Right or Specific direction for wall clocks to hang.

❎ Wall clock don’t gives any bad effect in any direction if hang properly. 

❎ Strictly avoid wall clocks above the door or Windows. Hang only on full wall. 

❎ Similarly avoid hanging calendar behind any door. Hang only on wall 

❇️ I already posted this Tip many times. But most of the people just read but don’t change. If you have clocks above door/windows or calendar behind any door please change immediately. Will share reaserch fact on same in future. 

❇️ But don’t wait for right time to come. Just immediately change if you have.

Dos and Don’ts 

Keep your home full of light. 

Open the blinds during the day and let natural light pour in.

Take care of the things you have, fix things that are broken immediately.

Keep your home free of noxious smells.

Have living things like pets and plants in your home.

Do a quick pick up of your home each night before you go to bed.

Having a few nice items in your house is better than having many items that you can’t maintain.

Store items that you don’t use every day in a closet or drawer.

Smudge some healing herbs like sage leaves regularly.

Simple yet effective Vastu Tips for Studies

Most Important Study Room Vastu Tips and Guidelines

♥️ It is better to have seperate study room, area or at least table than studying on bed.

♠️ Avoid studying in South or SE if you have enough space. 

♦️ Never lie down and read or study. Always sit comfortably with perfect chair.

♣️ 8 agates, multi Cystal tree, will help to increase concentration level.

❌ Try to avoid toilets directly facing kitchens or Pooja rooms.  

✔️ Close the toilet doors immediately after use.

❌ Avoid placing washing machines inside the toilet if you have another place like dry balconies, or ducts.

✔️ Please pay attention to your ducts. Never dump or keep clutters, broken or old items like toys, bicycles, cloths, utensils. Repair them or just give it away

?️ I personally noticed 9 out 10 God statues which we put outside above the door are not cleaned. 

? Remember any God Fig. Statue or Pic. we put outside above the door is not our watchman to protect our home.

? Just think we sleep in very good atmosphere with Air-conditioned room, and we keep those Fig. literally to guard our homes. 

?  Can it be better ? So try to avoid it if possible, or give a proper neat and clean place inside the home where you can do cleaning regularly.

? Or else clean daily, yes daily so that the respect for those Fig. will remain same.

? Ideal directions for keeping safe vault are NE, SW, SE

? Never keep valuables if wardrobe is under the beam, staire case or inside the duct area.

? Try to avoid keeping valuables if wardrobe doors are facing south directions.

By Deeksha

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