Thu. Mar 6th, 2025
Behrend astronomy program to focus on Mars and Venus | Penn State Behrend

***VENUS + MARS***

Venus and Mars conjunction is not as rare as Venus with Sun,Moon or Merc combination.Such combination has its good and bad both the sides in a person’s life, and mostly whenever the Lord of Love & Romance Venus is with the planet of Passion Mars, people starts taking it as taboo. This is not fair, every 

conjunction has its good and bad both the sides.

••Venus with Mars: Person will be quite attractive and sensual in looks.

••These people can be in contact with friends who are of a higher status in society, perhaps sons of politicians and celebrities.

•• Venus can influence Mars by making Mars a bit more sexual, lovable, and calm in their approach to work, war, and ethics. You have to see who is winning the war, and by how much. 

•• Combination of natural 2nd.7th and 1st,8th house lords can lead someone to aggression and lust in achieving sexual satisfaction as Mars represents aggression.The urge for sex is such that the person does not get satisfied with the spouse alone and will possess excessive passion for women. This will have to be analyze deeply in specific chart before concluding in this way.

••The urge towards sex is greatly modified if Jupiter or Saturn aspects that Mars.

••This combination is worst if it happens in Fiery Signs (Aries,Leo,Sagi) in such a case for a male, wife beating becomes very much a possibility.

••For female this Venus and mars conjunction denotes suffering from spousal violence. But things can become considerably better if Jupiter aspects the combination or its dispositor.

••Venus & Mars combination indicates that the couple will be quarreling frequently as Venus signifies spouse and Mars signifies aggression, quarrel, attack etc.

••If such conjunction is taking place in 7th house, spouse of that person will be angry,bad temperament, egoistic but liberal. As Mars symbolizes extreme anger and Venus the spouse. 

••Many people are tagging this Venus and Mars conjunction as Taboo and creating panic in heart for its effects in life and I am sure most of you already decided not to get married in life coz of this conjunction,Please dont have to be so rude to yourself; serious trouble can only happen in relationship if either Mars or Venus is 6th or 8th lord thats too if conjunction is happening in 6,8,12th house from Saturn.

••Debilitation and exaltation in this factor of either planet can lead to two different spectrum of sexuality. One can make a person a sexual yet committed partner. On the flip side, it can show sexual abuse or someone who uses sex as their means of earning like prostitution, escort services, or even porn.

••This combination in 4th house is also not that favorable as 4th house is 10th from 7th, i.e.,Karma bhava of house of marriage.

••If this conjunction is taking placed in 10th house or Ascendant or aspecting 10th house, then earning can be through Textiles, Cinematography, Criminal law, Exploration of costly elements from mines, subject of Geology, Surgery, Chemistry etc.

••This combination can make someone skilled in cooking and a top class Chef. In short one may choose to study in Hotel management.

By Deeksha

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