Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

The birth chart (natal chart or d1 chart) and the d9 chart are the two most essential charts in Vedic astrology (Navamsa chart). People frequently mix up the two charts, but they are not interchangeable.

What is Navamsa Chart (D9 Chart)?

There are 12 zodiac signs in all. When each sign is split into 9 equal pieces, the result is the d9 chart. It is related to the d10 chart (dasamsa chart), in which each zodiac sign is split into ten equal pieces, and the sum of those ten parts is the dasamsa chart. Simply explained, a d9 chart is a divisional chart of each zodiac sign.

What Is the Distinction Between the D1 and D9 Charts?

D1 represents the natal chart, often known as the birth chart. This chart includes all 12 Houses, all 12 Zodiac signs, and all 9 planets. That is, it provides a whole picture of a person’s life.

The D9 chart, on the other hand, is a more in-depth examination of one zodiac sign in the birth chart. This indicates that a zodiac sign is divided into 9 equal halves. It is just an elaboration of one portion (1 zodiac sign) of the 12 parts that comprise a birth chart.

Analysis of 5 Navamsa Chart Points (D9 Chart)

To make predictions about a person’s future, a D9 chart must be studied in conjunction with a D1 chart.

Identifying the Ascendant (Bhaav)

Your first Bhaav is Aries, and your second Bhaav is Taurus if you are an Aries. If you are a Taurus, your first Bhaav is Taurus, and your second Bhaav is Gemini. It continues for all 12 zodiac signs, in the same order (from Aries to Pisces).

Understanding the Meaning of Lagna Lord

The governing planet of your zodiac sign is your Lagna lord. Mars, for example, is the governing planet of Aries. As a result, if you are an Aries, Mars is your Lagna lord. This method is applied to determine which planets are your special adversaries. Your foes are the planet(s) that are Mars’s opponents (for Aries Ascendants). Mars’ adversary planet is Mercury. As a result, the power of Mercury compared to Mars will have a significant impact on your life, particularly your marriage and wealth.

Understanding Navamsa Trine Houses

The Trine homes are the first, fifth, and ninth houses. That is, planets in the first, fifth, and ninth houses of your Navamsa chart (d9 chart) will determine your interests and hobbies.

Let us investigate all nine planets.

  • Sun – If the Sun is in any of the Trine houses, the native will be very interested in music.
  • Moon – If the Moon is in any of the Trine houses, the native will have a lovely voice.
  • Mercury in either of the Trine houses indicates that the native will be endowed with strong communication abilities.
  • Mars – If Mars is in any of the Trine houses, the native will be bold and stubborn, but also short-tempered.
  • Saturn – The presence of Saturn in either of the Trine houses indicates that the native will be highly disciplined.
  • Rahu – Rahu in any of the Trine houses indicates that the native will be exceedingly spiritual.
  • Venus – The presence of Venus in either of the Trine houses indicates that the native will be materialistic, beautiful, and artistic.
  • Jupiter- If Jupiter is in any of the Trine houses, it indicates that the native will be smart and informed.

Understanding the Seventh House in the D9 Chart

Marriage is represented by the 7th house. As a result, planets in the 7th house of the Navamsa will have a significant influence on a marriage.

A malefic planet, such as Saturn, in the 7th house of your d9 chart, indicates that you may marry after the age of 32, as Saturn favors late marriage. It might also indicate that you will marry someone considerably older than you.

The Moon in this house indicates that you and your spouse will have excellent sexual chemistry.

What is the Navamsa Chart (d9 Chart) All About?

The above analysis should have given you a basic understanding of how to read the d9 chart. The significance of possessing or reading it is as follows-

  • It can determine the professional path the native will take.
  • It can foretell if the native will have a good marriage.
  • It can determine which planets are strong and which need to be strengthened in order to eliminate impediments from life.

If you’re interested in uncovering what the Navamsa Chart (D9 Chart) can predict about your life, consult our expert Vedic astrologers today.

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