Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

You’re spending full weekends together, arranging camping trips, and talking about meeting the family when all of a sudden, your significant other stops communicating with you. No matter how many texts you send or how many times you ask them to talk to you, they continue to ignore you. If the relationship ended, you might be left to wonder. Have someone ghosted you? Or is your lover only going through a difficult time? Every sign of the zodiac has its reasons for going silent, according to Narayana Montfar, an astrologer at House of Intuition, who spoke to Bustle. Understanding the circumstances surrounding your partner’s sudden disappearance will help you choose your next course of action.

Even though you shouldn’t jump to conclusions right away, some zodiac signs will stop talking if they lose interest. For example, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Libra are the signs most prone to do this. Montufar asserts that Libras tend to avoid controversy and would rather leave people “on reading” than disappoint them.

Scorpios are cautious of themselves and will ghost as a coping strategy. They’re just black-and-white and would rather not even have to talk about it, she says, not because they’re malicious.

Finally, because they follow their own set of rules, Aquarius people are most prone to end relationships without saying anything. They aren’t as emotionally motivated as the majority of people, therefore in their minds, they’re not truly acting improperly, claims Montufar.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) 

Aries is one of astrology’s frankest signs because it is a Fire sign. There’s a considerable possibility an Aries will let you know right away if they’re upset. The same holds if they aren’t any longer interested in dating. Aries would rather break off all contact than put up with pointless conflict. So when Aries does get silent, something is undoubtedly happening.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 

Taurus tends to repress their bad feelings. The stillness of Taurus is analogous to “leading a bull by its horns,” according to Monahan. They won’t talk to you unless you help them express what’s upsetting them. The bull is regarded as the zodiac sign with the greatest degree of stubbornness. They have the mentality that their partner ought to understand their anger. Therefore, if they aren’t talking to you, there’s a significant probability they believe you have mistreated them.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) 

Mercury-ruled Gabby Gemini is a people person. They enjoy socializing, are all about having fun, and tend to follow the crowd. Monahan claims that Geminis find conversation to have an “erotic charge,” especially when they are speaking to someone they have never met before. Geminis are known for losing interest quickly, though. When they stop talking to you, Monahan argues, “it can be a sign that their thoughts have wandered to another object of desire.”

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) 

Cancer the crab reigns supreme in terms of passive-aggressive behavior. If you hurt their feelings, they will shut down and retreat into their shell. Cancer is also a sign of home and family, so they are fiercely protective of their surroundings and the people they care about. According to Montfar, Cancer natives will also remain silent if you speak negatively about or hurt someone they care about.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) 

Leo, the dominant lion of the zodiac, will cut you off to demand your attention. Leos are exceedingly giving with their time and effort in relationships, according to Montfar. They could abruptly stop talking to you if they don’t feel heard or if they think their efforts aren’t being reciprocated in the same way. If you want to win them back, you’ll need to do a lot of groveling.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) 

Another sign ruled by Mercury that emphasizes communication is Virgo. There is a significant probability that they will let you know if they sense that something in the connection is awry. They are excellent problem-solvers and will want to collaborate with you to address whatever is broken. But Virgos have a reputation for being rigid with the law. They will feel like they can ghost without having to explain when the established “rules” in the relationship are being somewhat disregarded, according to Montfar.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Another sign that keeps quiet when anything is off-balance is Libra. Since the scales are the symbol for their sign, they are all about harmony and maintaining peace. A person can only take so much, though. Libras will become silent when their sense of equilibrium is upset, according to Montfar. She claims that some of the most well-known “ghosts” of the zodiac are Libras. They don’t like to argue.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) 

Scorpio is a generally reserved sign. They are seen as mysterious and brooding and prefer to watch and listen. They won’t always let you know when something is wrong as a result. They can be a little cruel when irritated or angry and tend to later regret what they said. There’s a good probability that you may have seriously hurt a Scorpio if they suddenly stop speaking to you. For the scorpion, for instance, treachery is the worst.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is a very free-spirited sign. They can usually brush things off with ease and rarely hold a grudge. They’re known for being brutally honest in relationships, so you’ll know if there’s a problem. It takes a very special person to persuade the zodiac’s free-spirited wanderer to commit. When they find that person, they will make every effort to be the best partner they can be, despite being constantly on the go.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorns are ambitious, and work is usually at the top of their priority list. Even if they adore their partner, their relationship will have to take a back seat to their objectives. As a result, they will only spend time with people with whom they see a future. They will go silent if they believe their time is being wasted. “Productive Cappies are on a mission and don’t want to waste their precious time, even when it comes to relationships,” Montfar says.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Another sign that places a premium on independence is Aquarius. People who are very needy or clinging tend to turn them off because they are quite independent. They will stop speaking when their autonomy and sense of self are threatened, according to Montfar. An Aquarian’s worst nightmare is feeling “caged.” This is one indication that a person is willing to end a relationship with a partner if they believe it isn’t working.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) 

Pisces is a highly sensitive Water sign, much like Cancer. Since they are Neptune-ruled, they frequently dwell in their mental fantasies and have idealistic perspectives on love. They want to think of their spouse as ideal and hope that they are thought of in the same manner by them. If you criticize Pisces for their actions, Montfar claims they may go mute. She claims that although the locals are friendly, they typically dislike facing repercussions. “Call them out, darling, and they’ll be gone!”

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