Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

If you were born in January or February, you were most likely born under the rebellious sign of Aquarius. But to enjoy all that the air sign has to offer during Aquarius season, you don’t have to be a water carrier yourself. The Aquarius season normally lasts from January 20 to February 18 and is marked by the sign’s enthusiasm for uniqueness and innovative thinking. The autonomous fixed sign of Aquarius is all about individualism, technology, and having the freedom to be eccentric, thus the season is a chance to channel your inner humanitarian and advance civilization.

According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, “Aquarius is the oddball of the zodiac and [is] typically someone that both draws and is attracted to quirkier forms of energy.” The fact that Aquarians follow their own agenda is primarily a result of Uranus, their current planetary ruler. The only planet that rotates on its side, Uranus, is regarded as one of the higher octave planets, signifying a faster, more precisely tuned vibration and representing cosmic energy.

Because Aquarius is controlled by the eleventh house, which is linked to friendship, society, and community, the air sign is a representation of camaraderie and humanitarianism. They make excellent leaders, visionaries, and defenders of the weak because of their openness to working with others and enthusiasm for societal well-being.

The sign of Aquarius is a time to celebrate your creativity and be inspired to give back to your neighbourhood. “Aquarius frequently enjoys the unusual. Expect an energetic, thrilling, startling, and unconventional mood, says Monahan. Continue reading to learn more about Aquarius season.

When Does the Season of Aquarius Begin?

Dates for the Aquarius season are subject to change because the sun’s entry into the air sign determines the season. The Aquarius season begins on January 20 in 2022.

When Does the Season of Aquarius End?

When the sun starts to rise in Pisces and is no longer aligned with the constellation of Aquarius, the Aquarius season has come to an end. The conclusion of Aquarius season is February 18 in 2022.

What the Aquarius Season Means for You

You may get a sense of what to expect from the Aquarius season by looking at the planetary rulers of Aquarius. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn in traditional astrology, which employs the seven planets that can be seen with the unaided eye, but by Uranus in contemporary astrology. Saturn is linked to age and maturity, therefore Aquarians may find themselves reflecting on these ideas more during the Aquarius season. Saturn dislikes ostentation and exaggeration, according to Monahan. “Saturn prefers the tried-and-true method, while Uranus represents the future’s fresh ways.” Your ideas, beliefs, and even habits can be questioned during Aquarius season.

Expect to spend the Aquarius season contemplating your future. It’s a terrific moment to focus even more on your objectives or even start over. “The Tarot’s Star card, often known as the desire card in the deck, is connected to Aquarius. Take some time during the Aquarius season to reflect on your actual aspirations because the star symbolises hopes and dreams, advises Monahan. “Consciously make an effort to concentrate on bringing that in this year.”

Despite being a symbol of individualism, the Aquarian zodiac sign is one of the more socially-oriented types. Because friendship is emphasised throughout Aquarius season due to their eleventh house ruler, anticipate a flurry of activity in your social life. Take advantage of the Aquarius season by becoming engaged in your neighbourhood. Monahan advises, “If you can, give your time to a cause that is close to your heart.” “Anything you can do to assist someone in your neighbourhood is an excellent use of the Aquarius energy. Start a communal garden.

The Aquarius season ultimately influences how you express your authenticity and consider your place in your community.

The Effects of the Aquarius Season on Your Friendships

Since Aquarius is the sign of camaraderie, you may anticipate feeling closer to your pals at this time. Now is the moment to cooperate, strengthen the bonds in your relationships, and strive toward shared goals.

According to astrologer Imani Quinn, the Aquarius season “may encourage disputes and involvement in intellectual talks amongst friends that modify ways of thinking.” “You could discover that you’re seeking for a companion to help you along your spiritual or personal growth path. Most significantly, Aquarius provides us with the energising, bright energy we require to concentrate and create room for enjoyment! A girls’ night in, an outing with pals, or reviving your group chat are all wonderful ideas at this time.

How the season of Aquarius affects your relationships

Since the water bearer is noted for their emotional aloofness, you can experience emotional withdrawal from your lover during the Aquarius season or find intimacy difficult. However, because of the focus on friendship, it does assist you in developing a more platonic connection with your love relationships. It is best to remain impartial while resolving problems in your love life and to take an analytical approach to your emotions during the Aquarius season.

“The Aquarius season challenges us to examine the thoughts and concepts we bring to the table in our interpersonal interactions and determine which ones benefit us and which ones do not. It challenges us to question if the things we devote our efforts to make sense for us, according to Quinn. The Aquarius season serves as a reminder that if partnerships have a solid foundation of ideals from the start, discovering our independence within them can help them continue longer.

Since Valentine’s Day always coincides with Aquarius season, it’s a nice time to reflect on your friendship with your significant other.

How the Season of Aquarius Affects Your Career

Saturn, the ancient ruler of Aquarius, is all about commitment and accountability. Therefore, the Aquarius season may inspire you to follow your professional goals and give you the confidence to take the lead. If you’re looking for a job, you can be lured to atypical positions or decide to explore a completely new professional sector.

“This season could make you wonder if your beliefs line up with those of your employer. Have you urged your employer to speak up for important social causes? Have they kept their word on these assurances? Explained by Quinn. This season will challenge you to take charge of your career, speak out for your values, and encourage others to do the same.

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