Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
zodiac Signs elements in astrology

There are many ways to understand the zodiac signs. The astrology chart is based on constellations in the zodiac belt and contains 12 astrological signs.

Every zodiac sign is ruled by one of four elements. Knowing which element rules yours can be a great way to explore the zodiac and make new connections, especially once you start diving into your birth chart.

The zodiac signs are separated into four elements:

  1. Fire sign
  2. Water sign
  3. Earth sign
  4. Air sign          

FIRE SIGN (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire is the element of spirit, and it’s passionate, fierce, and aggressive. They have strong willpower, and they possess a loud sense of confidence that stands out among the other signs. Aries brings the manifestation of a vision. Leo is the builder of the vision. Sagittarius is the intellectual who critiques dreams.

WATER SIGN (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Water is the element of the heart, like the watery tears of joy or sadness. This element is all about our sensitive sides. Cancer shows us how we use our emotions to manifest dreams. Scorpio shows how we use our emotions to spark change. Pieces demonstrate how we use our feeling to guide our intuition.

EARTH SIGN (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Earth is the element of the physical realm, so energy emphasizes sensory experiences and being present in the moment. Tauruses are the artists who do the work that’s needed. Virgos brainstorm ideas with their analytical minds and have the patience to see things through. Capricorns reflect the steps taken as they complete the projects at hand.

AIR SIGN (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Air is the element of the mind. Hence these signs tend to spend more time in their heads, thinking about life in a more high-concept way than the rest of the zodiac. Geminis are the facilitators of information. Libra critiques ideas and thoughts, and Aquarius makes decisions based on looking at situations from a distance.

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